This morning, Maggie showed me the latest development of our to-be home. She's really come a long way for someone who thinks she can't build. I gave her a little lesson in how she can texture her building prims better and easier as well, and she caught onto it right away.
When Maggie and me met again in the evening, we discussed the recent development in Avination, and our old friend and sim owner trad. It seems most likely he left Avination because he was royally pissed with management and their way of not dealing with the problems he experienced, and I can't blame him, after having had to deal with them myself. While the lag in the morning was hardly noticeable in our sim BDSM, in the evening it was worse than yesterday in both BDSM and Sweet Hideout, with lag spikes freezing movement and chat for up to almost a minute at a time. I noticed in my surveillance that the grid had went down entirely during the day, confirmed by a comment in the forums. It was a while since it was last noticeable now, and I thought it had been fixed, but obviously not.
I also noticed that the usage hours have dropped quite a bit in the last week. It may be just a random drop, summertime with nice weather, or some major vacation rush somewhere, but the suddenness and coincidence with the blackhat developer fuzz makes me suspect this is a result of it. So far, the number of sims haven't dropped much faster than before, but I suspect that may follow, if the number of people renting houses or shopping in malls and shops on the land keeps decreasing, so land owners, mall owners and shop owners don't have so many customers paying to cover their tiers.
2011-06-29: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-30 04:17 UTC, 33,571 residents, 7,063 in 30d, 975 sims
torsdag 30 juni 2011
onsdag 29 juni 2011
No information is good information
This morning, Maggie and I as usual stayed in bed and chatted. This time it was about the future, our future, the future of Avination, and a few other things.
In the evening, Avination was lagged in all the places we went too, so I guess the grid wasn't feeling its best. Maggie was out looking for furniture for our new home, and while we were looking, she got an IM from a creator about a gown Maggie had problems with. It proved to be a bad texture, which we already knew, and after re-uploading the texture and applying it again, the gown worked nicely.
The creator had been in contact with Avination support, but they never explained to her why it is a texture can be seen good by some, in this case her, but be broken for others, in this case me and partly Maggie. Since not knowing that can easily spark a heated exchange between e.g. a customer who don't see a texture and a creator who sees it, it's not very considerate not explaining it, especially when the explanation is a simple one-liner it took me less that 30 seconds to type to the creator. But, I guess that follows the general policy of Avination management that no information is good information. Transparency? Possibly when standing with the noose around your neck, as seen recently with the blackhat programmer they hired.
We ended the evening with Maggie showing me what she'd done with our home, and it's coming along nicely. I left early, and she stayed on, but she followed me to bed to continue after I logged out. She really is the sweetest.
2011-06-28: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-29 04:16 UTC, 33,491 residents, 7,137 in 30d, 976 sims
In the evening, Avination was lagged in all the places we went too, so I guess the grid wasn't feeling its best. Maggie was out looking for furniture for our new home, and while we were looking, she got an IM from a creator about a gown Maggie had problems with. It proved to be a bad texture, which we already knew, and after re-uploading the texture and applying it again, the gown worked nicely.
The creator had been in contact with Avination support, but they never explained to her why it is a texture can be seen good by some, in this case her, but be broken for others, in this case me and partly Maggie. Since not knowing that can easily spark a heated exchange between e.g. a customer who don't see a texture and a creator who sees it, it's not very considerate not explaining it, especially when the explanation is a simple one-liner it took me less that 30 seconds to type to the creator. But, I guess that follows the general policy of Avination management that no information is good information. Transparency? Possibly when standing with the noose around your neck, as seen recently with the blackhat programmer they hired.
We ended the evening with Maggie showing me what she'd done with our home, and it's coming along nicely. I left early, and she stayed on, but she followed me to bed to continue after I logged out. She really is the sweetest.
2011-06-28: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-29 04:16 UTC, 33,491 residents, 7,137 in 30d, 976 sims
tisdag 28 juni 2011
Great great great
Today was a fantastic day in Avination! Maggie and I managed to lay still and chat in bed for one hour in the morning and two hours in the evening, without crashing one single time! Maggie only crashed once in the 20 minutes she spent in-world before I came in the evening, but it was her own fault for being silly enough to try and walk around. Her script states were also only reset to random values twice during the day, and her outfit only changed once on relog in the morning. So, this was a truly super Avination day!
(Dedicated to my friends in Avination managements who must be the only people masochistic enough to read this blog, but who complained about me being negatively slanted writing it. Fixed it for you!)
2011-06-27: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-28 04:16 UTC, 33,423 residents, 7,168 in 30d, 974 sims
(Dedicated to my friends in Avination managements who must be the only people masochistic enough to read this blog, but who complained about me being negatively slanted writing it. Fixed it for you!)
2011-06-27: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-28 04:16 UTC, 33,423 residents, 7,168 in 30d, 974 sims
måndag 27 juni 2011
Damage control
Nothing much has really happened the last couple of days, because RL things has stolen much time and energy, and things around Avination has stolen most of the rest.
Today at least the resolution of Avination management's utterly stupid decision to hire a blackhat developer seems to have begun. They say he's entirely off the project, and that all of his contributions will be publicly reviewed by a semi-external, well-known and reputed developer. It's a start at least, but the question is if they can ever repair the damage they've done to Avination and their own credibility. The saddest part is, they don't even seem to realize how wrong and damaging their decisions and actions have been.
2011-06-25: -
2011-06-26: tips -C$600
Avination stats:
2011-06-26 04:15 UTC, 33,270 residents, 7,169 in 30d, 982 sims
2011-06-27 04:16 UTC, 33,349 residents, 7,166 in 30d, 979 sims
Today at least the resolution of Avination management's utterly stupid decision to hire a blackhat developer seems to have begun. They say he's entirely off the project, and that all of his contributions will be publicly reviewed by a semi-external, well-known and reputed developer. It's a start at least, but the question is if they can ever repair the damage they've done to Avination and their own credibility. The saddest part is, they don't even seem to realize how wrong and damaging their decisions and actions have been.
2011-06-25: -
2011-06-26: tips -C$600
Avination stats:
2011-06-26 04:15 UTC, 33,270 residents, 7,169 in 30d, 982 sims
2011-06-27 04:16 UTC, 33,349 residents, 7,166 in 30d, 979 sims
lördag 25 juni 2011
Dancing and asset problems
This morning, I met Maggie and Lena at Lena's place, and the Maggie showed us the progress of the skybox home she's building for her and me. Eventually, Lena had to leave, and Maggie and I had to split up for real life soon after that as well.
In the evening, I met Maggie and Lena together again, when they were out looking for furniture. Maggie tried to show Lena her new gown, but the bottom part of it was corrupt, so it didn't show. After Lena had to leave, Maggie and I went dancing and listening to live performers in two different locations, one female country singer and one Elvis imitator. None of them were top notch, and both suffered severe technical problems, the first with a repeatedly crashing sim, and the other with a music stream that came and went repeatedly. Yep, Avination still has some things to fix.
During the second performance, Maggie got response from the gown creator, and we eventually left the performance to let the creator have a look at the gown problem. She couldn't do much though, but believed the texture was somehow messed up and submitted a support ticket about it.
2011-06-24: outfit -C$150
Avination stats:
2011-06-25 04:15 UTC, 33,180 residents, 7,157 in 30d, 983 sims
In the evening, I met Maggie and Lena together again, when they were out looking for furniture. Maggie tried to show Lena her new gown, but the bottom part of it was corrupt, so it didn't show. After Lena had to leave, Maggie and I went dancing and listening to live performers in two different locations, one female country singer and one Elvis imitator. None of them were top notch, and both suffered severe technical problems, the first with a repeatedly crashing sim, and the other with a music stream that came and went repeatedly. Yep, Avination still has some things to fix.
During the second performance, Maggie got response from the gown creator, and we eventually left the performance to let the creator have a look at the gown problem. She couldn't do much though, but believed the texture was somehow messed up and submitted a support ticket about it.
2011-06-24: outfit -C$150
Avination stats:
2011-06-25 04:15 UTC, 33,180 residents, 7,157 in 30d, 983 sims
fredag 24 juni 2011
Avination grid survey 2011-06-22
Today I spent the morning chatting with Maggie, as so often, and in the evening I tried helping her learning to build precise, using numeric methods instead of dragging and trying to align things by eyesight. Creating the artful things she usually do, the dragging works better, but at present she's trying to build houses, where that method can be both tricky and cumbersome.
I've compiled another Avination grid survey, and hope to be able to do so once a week, to better follow the development of the grid.
Region analyses 2011-06-22
(2011-06-22 14:34:15 - 2011-06-23 06:18:32 UTC)
No. of regions 2011-06-23 04:14:49 UTC: 984
No. of regions (0,0)-(2047-2047): 958 (97.4%)
No. of regions (900,900)-(1100,1100): 791 (81.0%)
No.of regions (950,998)-(1003,1050): 16 (1.6%)
Regions owned: No. of owners (out of 97,4%):
958: 578 total
74: 1 (Dieter Bohlen)
21: 1 (Reign Wilder)
19: 2 (Lunix Leven, Marysha Aeon)
11: 1 (Melanie Milland)
10: 1 (John Fall)
8: 2 (Compmark Vella, Tecster Loll)
7: 1 (Stev Nootan)
6: 3 (kit Myoo, Servex Congrejo, yanko Sella)
5: 4 (Daz Raymaker, F0X Andretti, Hanley Macarthur, SikhLife Arts)
4: 16
3: 21
2: 91
1: 434
Gone regions: (the 44 between (0,0)-(2047-2047) since 2011-06-16)
Parada, Calypso Bay Games, Obsession, Brasil Rio, Dubstep Island, Buzios, Estates Sim Admin, Donna Zeminoba, Chicago, Averno II, Averno, BWoR Radio, Gorean Hub2 Kamba island, Whisper, Rockers, Market Place 2, MEB FASHION, Devils Den, lyana&pietru, The Twilight Zone, Prinz Royal Islands, nederland, nederland 2, Lions Den 2, Apollo, SharkClub Gaming 1, Margaritaville, Slovakia, Commercial and private Rental, Istanbul, EPIRUS/WEST GREECE, Blue Horizon Club, Dark Lands, TISANE ESTATES, Las Vegas, BodyCreations, Isabelle's Kingdom, RENTAL 3, RENTAL 5, MIYABI, SAHARA, Gay Bears, Pink Velvet Island, KAMALA & DeCUIR REGION
New regions: (the 27 between (0,0)-(2047-2047) since 2011-06-16)
Motu Tapu, karina island, Mezzo, Adagio, Legato, Venus, aero, Lotus Paradijs, .: JeCey Factory :., GLD Furniture & Homes, Bella Luna, Deviance, alterWhere, TRU Textures, Haiku, Outer Rim, Mystic Isle, Hell, Break Room, Arabian Nights, Southeast Asia, Circle of Life, Marven Gardens, Party Central, Isabelle's Kingdom, HOME and GARDEN 1, Darkshore
Regions: (the 958 between (0,0)-(2047-2047))
::^ZT@R^::, :. WoE .:, .: JeCey Factory :., .:: Prim God ::., .::NOON::. Shapes & Style, ..::: M & C :::.., {ALIAS}, **Fashion Point**, +Eretika+, ~Charmed~, ~Memories~, 1RC, 2Xtreme, 3X Heaven, 519 deSignz Ltd, 69 Park Ave, 777 Entertainment, 777 entertainment 2, 777 Entertainment 3, A World Apart, A111 Games, A111 Games No2, A111 Games No3, A111 Games No4, Absolut & Dissident Isla, Absolutely Fabulous, ACE Casino, Aces & Eights, Acid, AD Sport, Adagio, Adrift, AEGEAN SEA, aero, Affinity, Aimesi, AKEYO, Aksum, Alafia Country Escape, Albion, Alight, alterWhere, alvin, Amber west, Amor, Amsterdam, Amsterdam RedLight District, Amulet Magic, Ancient Alexandria, Andromeda, Angel Heights, AngelWolf, Animated spirits, Annabelle, Arabian Nights, Arcon, Area 1, Area 10, Area 11, Area 12, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 8, Area 9, Argentum, ART !, Ashland, Atlantis the Dream, AVA-TARE, Avalon, Avenue, Avination Builders Supply, Avination Style, Avination Welcome, AVN Mall, ayumura, ayumura town, Babylon, Bad Girl, Bad Sanctum, Bahamas, Balearic Islands, BALI, Ball Mart Animations, Ballroom, Banshees, Barcelona, BDSM, BDSM Island - Insel FSK 18, Beach Bum Island, Beds by Oh Resort, Bee Designs , Bejambled Design, BELGIUM, Bella Luna, Bellagio, Belle of Charleston, BeReal City, Berlin, BerZerkeley, Best Of Avination, BEVERLY, Beverly Hills, Bid, Big Island, Big Isle, Biltmore Forest, Birmingham, Black Sun, Blackjack, Bliss Island, Blue Beard Beach, Blue Moon, Blue Skys, BlueBerry Forest, BlueHorizon, BnB, BnB2, Boardwalk, Bobis, Bootes, Bora Bora, Boys Town, Brasil AvNation, Brasil Corp Associados, Brasil Japan, Break Room, Breaking Dawn, Bressig1, Bressig2, Bressig3, Breyer Paradise Estate, British Tortuga, Brock, Broken Axle Island, Bromelic, Brutal City, Budapest, Butterfly Island, Calypso Bay Poker, Calypso Sands Estates, Calypso Sands Village, Camelot, CAMILLA'S - ECLECTIC DESIGN, Canada, Captiva, CARDS, Carmarthenshire, Casino, Casino City, Casino City 2, Casino City 3, Casino Imperial, CASINO L, Casino Neptune, Casino Nights, CASINO UNIVERSE, CasperTech, Castle Game, Castle Games, Cattleyas, Cedar Point, Celebrations Unlimited & Co., Celestial Game Tower, Ceriba, CFF Homeland, CFF Homeland 02, CFF Homeland 03, Chaos, Chateau de Tranquilite, Chelonia, Cherry Games, Chilli, China, CHRONIC NATION, Circle of Life, City Center, Civic Center, CL Design, Club Paradise, Coconut Bay, Coda, colorado, Colten Harbor, Commercial District Mall, CONSTRUCT, Coral Bay, Corleone, Couplez Resort And Lounge, Coventry, Covet, Crash Design, Crazy Games, Crown, Crown Casino, Cru South, Crystal Cove, Cutie Island, CY Design DJ, audio and club equipment, D.A.L.I., Dahlinks, Damselfly Hair Salon, Dania's House & Garden Paradise, Dark Refuge, Darkshore, DB1, DB10, DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15, DB16, DB17, DB18, DB19, DB2, DB20, DB21, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25, DB26, DB27, DB28, DB29, DB3, DB30, DB31, DB32, DB33, DB34, DB35, DB36, DB37, DB38, DB39, DB4, DB40, DB41, DB42, DB43, DB44, DB45, DB46, DB47, DB48, DB49, DB5, DB50, DB51, DB52, DB53, DB55, DB56, DB57, DB58, DB59, DB6, DB60, DB7, DB8, DB9, DE Designs Clothes, Deal, Delphi, DELUXE GAMES, DeM Games, Denmark, Destiny Isle, Deviance, Distinctive Mystique, Dite, Divine Daisy, DLicious, DollyRock, Domain Paradisia, Doobie Island, DownUnda, Drasilova, Dream Estates, Dream Homes, Dream Ink Design, DreamLand, Drinja, Dutch Island, Dvandva, Dyer Maker Animations & Poses, Dynasty Gaming, Dynasty Gaming 2, EarthStones, Ebergarten, Echo Heartland, Eclipse, Ecomm, Eden, Egypt, Egypt Delta, ELBA, Electric Geisha, ELITE GAMES, Elysium, Emily's, Emmyline Slot Machines, Enigma, Enjoy Land, Epic, Erador, Erewhon, Essential Soul, Essential Style, Eventide, excaliber paradise, Exploration Island, Explore Me, Extreme, Fair Winds!, Fairplay Designs, FALLEN FANTASY, FANTASIA, Fantasy Island, Fantasy World Estates, Fashion, FashioNation Blvd., Fatal Desires, FD-Line Motor Yachts, feast, Felicity, FireHorse , Fireside, Fish Bowl, Fortuna Plaza, Fortune Games, FrAmed, France, France Accueil, Freckles, Freedom Mall, French Touch, FUJIYAMA, Fun Island, FurrtherEast, FurrtherMoor, FurrtherWest, Futian, GALAXY CASINO, Galland Homes, Gallifrey, Game Club Neptune, GAME NATION, GAME NATION II, GAME NATION III, GAME UNIVERSE, GaMe WoRLD, GAMES, GAMES 1, GAMES UNIVERSE, GAMING, Gaming Extreme, Gaming Paradise, Gaming Paradise Diamond, Gaming Paradise Extreme, Gaming Paradise Platinum, Gaming Paradise Royalle, Gaming Paradise Sunset, Garden of Eden, Gasparilla Games, Gateway Paradise, Gawk! to the DeeTaleZ, Gaywood, Gemini Isle, Gil Games, Gimli, GIRGI XIAO, GLD Furniture & Homes, Glocca Morra, Gloucester, Gold Nuggets Casino, Goldbusiness, Goldbusiness1, Goldbusiness3, Golden Nugget, Golden Palace 1, Golden Palace 2, Golden Palace 3, Golden Palace 4, Golden Palace 5, Golden Palace 6, Goodlife, Goose Bay, Gothic Obsession, GothiCatz, Gown, Gran Cru, GRAND ISLAND, GREECE, GREEN DOLPHIN BEACH, GreenLife, Grid Games, Guan Yin City, Gurly Styl, Gutter Games, GY Paraiso, Gypsy Isle, Haiku, Hairy Pineapple, Half Moon Bay, Hammersmith Palais Isle, Happy Games, Harbor Cay, Harley_Ginas, Heaven, Heavenly, Heavenly Escape, Hell, HELP Island, Hemera 1, Hermitage, HICKTOWN, HIDEAWAY BAY, Hobbs End, HOLDEM, Holgin Oriente Isle, Holland, Hollow, Holmen, HOME and GARDEN 1, Home Town, hoorenbeek, Hummingbird, Hummingbird Creations, I+D SCRIPTERS, IKA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, IKON, Ilha do sossego, Immortal Myth, Imperial Ar, Imperial,Zyngo,Deal,Kichers., In StyLE, INCOGNITO Fine Furniture, INDIAN LAND, INDIGO, iNEDIT Men & Women, Infinity, Ingelheim, Initiative, Iron Horse Island, Isabelle's Kingdom, iSassy, Isla Maldito, Isla Paradise, Island Tropics, Islands of the Arts, Isle of Dreams, Isle of Fantasy, Isle of Mother Earth, ITALIA, ITALIAN DREAMS, ITALIAN SQUARE, Jackson Bay, Jackson Place, JADED, Janjiis PEACE, Java Island, Jayzee, Jersey, Jewels Island, Jo's Place, JOIN LAND, Joker Games, Jokers Wyld, Joy, july, june, Just In The Nick Of Time, K & S Moloka'i, Kai Bay, KANSAI, karina island, Katachi, Kazumi Island, KCs Gaming Headquarters, Kicker Estate, Kidd, KingDom Estate, KingDom Island, Kink, KiraLand, Kirschvogur, Kismet, Kitti Kat Island, KK FOOD and PARTY, Knarmanda, Kokomo Beach, Kush, Labrador Sea, LaDiamond, Lago di Como, Laguna, Lahaina, LAND, Land Of Darkness, Landro, LaRosa, Las Orcas, Las Vegas Games, Las Vegas Nevada, Lawless Estates, LCGS, Le Nuage, Leaf, Leafpile Broadcasting Inc., Legato, Lesbian Resort, Lhasa, Limburg, Lions Den, lizard tail, Logi, London, Londons Point, Lookout Point, Loon and Leven Labs, Lorien, Los Angeles, Lost Island, Lotus Island, Lotus Paradijs, Lovers Dreamland, Lovers Isle, Lovers Lane, Lseven Region, LtMe's Surprize, Luna Estates, Luna Island , Lush, Luv's Hideway, Luv's Island, Luv's Oasis, Luv's Paradise, Macao, Macarthur Farms, Macarthur Park, Macarthur Square, Macau, Mackinaw Island, MADININA, Madrid, Mafia, Magia Island, Magic Dreams, Magic Island, Magic Isle, Magic Paradise, Magnetic Fields, MAKI Island, MAKI Resort, Malibu, Maniax Resort, Manichea, Marginalia, Marin Island, Market, MARKET SQUARE MALL, Marketplace Island, Marpole, Marsana, MARSANA 2, Marven Gardens, Mashimaro, masquerade, Massalia, Master Open, Matsuba, Maven Isle, Mayhem, McClellan Inland, Meeting Point, Meltonian, Memories, Mezzo, Miami, Midnight Lotus, Millenium, Mini Vegas, Misfits, Mistwalker Cove, MM Creations, Mo Anam Cara, Monday Creations, Money Island Casino, Monmartre, Monte Carlo, Montego Bay, Moo Town I, Moo Town II, Moon Shine, Moon Valley, MoonStar, Motu Tapu, Movie Studio, Mudfork, Murano, Music, musicearthlovebirth, Musicians United, MYKONOS, Mystery Island, Mystic Falls, Mystic Isle, Myth Gaming I, Narnia, NATIVE LAND, Natural Beauty, Navona, naxos island, Nederland 3, neo susukino, Neptune, Neptune SE, Neptune SW, Neptune W, Nevada, NEVADA 1, NEVADA 2, Nexxu Technologies, Nigerian Vista, Nightfire, Nirvana, No Limits, nolyne, Noumena, NsG Estate, Numbers Island, NyX, Ocean View, Odd Bawlz 2, Ohana, ohmg, Ometepe, OneDom, OneDom West, Onze Hemel, Open Breese, Opium, Opium 2, Opium 3, Opium IV, Oracle, Orange, Original Fruit, Otaku Zone, Outer Rim, Outlaws, OZ, Palm Beach, Palm Island, Pandora, Paradaisu, Paradise, Paradise found, Paradise island, Paradise Isle, Paradise Isle II, Paradox, Parc Games, Park Place, Parkplace, ParrotHead Cove, Party Central, Paula&Trixi\'s Liebesnestchen, Peaceskater Gaming Cove, Pemberley, Pen Island, Peter Estate, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Phoenix Island, phx2000, Pickwicks, Pixel Lighthouse, PixelDoodles, Plush, Point Lookout, POKER, Poker Paradise, Port Royale, Primrose, Psych Ward, PsyGallery, PurpleMoon Creations, PUX, Quan Enterprises, Ragnarok, Raiden, Randm Isle, Random Rosie, Randys Land, Rapture, REAL REALITY, Real Waves, Red Winter, REDGRAVE Skins and Fashion, RedLight District, Reel Froggy, Refuge, Reign, Remix, RENATO, RENTAL 1, Rio Bravo, Riviera, RIVIERA Casino 1, RIVIERA Casino 2, RIVIERA Casino 3, RIVIERA Casino 4, Rock Island, Rock Star, Rockport, Roman Empire, Romanos, romantique island, Rome, Roselinda's Paradise, Rotterdam, Rotterdam virtual, Rouge Island, Rovere, ROYAL, Royal Temptation XXX Games , Rummage City, Sa.Sa. Fashion Club, SABOTIAN, SABOTIAN Enterprises, Safira Moonlight, SAM, San Francisco, Sanctuary, Sandbanks, Sandbox, Sandel Dreams 3, Sands, Sannibel, SANTORINI, Santosha V, Saphoria, Sappho's Paradise, Satiated Desires, score note, Selikum, Sensation, Serendipity Island, Serenity, Serenity Bay, Serenity II, Serenity Isles, Server Room, Sexy, Sexy Passion, SF Design, Shadyland, Shangri-La, SharkClub Development, SharkClub Gaming, Sharonna, Shelman Sandbox 2, Shelter, Shenandoah, SHiNYbrand, Shotglass Games, Shylandia, Sicilia Isola dei Sogni, Sikh Life 1, Sikh Life 2, Sikh Life 3, Sikh Life 4, Silvari Cove, Silver Reef 1, Silver Reef 2, Silver Reef 3, Silver Reef 4, Sim City, Sinsation Bay, Sinsation Cove, Slice Of Heave, Slummy City, Slut Haus, SLX Board, SLX Board Sud, Smoking Aces Gaming, Smoking Aces Gaming II, SOL Island, Some Sim, Southeast Asia, Southold Beach, Speed Master, Spike Source, St james, Star Valley, Starbright Bay, Starbright Homes, Stars Designs, State of Independence, STEPFORD WOODS, Stolen Moments, Stolen Moments 2, Stormhold, Stormy Wind, STRAY NATION, Stx Tech, Stylez, Sugarplums, Sulcata, Summer Bay, sun Valley, Sunny Island, Sunset Glory, Sunset Palace, Sunset Paradise, Susanti Islands, Suzi's Paradise, Swagger, Sweet Hideout, Sweet Hollow, Sweet Retreat, Sweet Serenity, Sybaris, Synthetic, T & B ESTATES, Tamayo Island, Tamayo Island East, Tamayo Island North, Tamayo Island South, Targeta Blue, TashaJoubert, TD Templates, TECNO TEXTURES, Tee'z, TeleLinden, Templar Island, Terra Ursa, Terre d'Asile, ThaliasFashion, The Art Thing, The Carroll\'s Cove, The City of Tarnwald., The elements, The Elements2, The Falls, The G.R.E.A.T. Island, The Golden Moon, The Grand Casino, The Great Canadian Cabin, The Jungle, THE MAGIC ISLAND, The Original Slums, The Retreat, The Ritz, The Rock, The Track, This N That Village Store, Thunder, Tiamora, TicoTico, Token City, Tokyo City, Top Diamond, Top Games, Top Jasper, Tranquility, Treasure Island, Tree Frog, Trendy Templates, Tri-X Ranch, TRIBAL LAND, Trompe Loeil, TRU Textures, TrueHeart, Truth, Turkiye, Tutorial Island, Two Moon Paradise, U.N.I.T.Y ESTATES, Ultra Violence, Unlimited Love, Valentine, Valhalla, Vampire Bay, Vanity Designs Inc., Vegas, Vegas Sands, Vegas Vacation, Vengeance, Venus, VIAXER & CHIARA'S ISLAND, vild, Vintner City, Vintner Point, Vintner Slums, Virtual World, Virtual World Estates, Virtual Worlds Services, Virtualworx, Vista Animations, Votant, Votiv, Voto, Wahamii Island 1, Wahamii Island 2, Waikiki, Warm Animations, Washago, Water Lilies, Waterfalls, Waterford, WaterMills, Waters Edge, Way Cross, WDL Games, WeezlePops Estate, Welcome, Welcome Germany, Westminster, Wet N Sticky, Whippetland, Whispering Shores, Whitewater Reserve, Wicked, Wild Heart, Wild West, Wildcat-Bay, Wildfire, Wildfire II, Willows, Wineworld, Wish Upon A Star , Wynchester Hope Island, Xanten, Xyron, YES !, yr Nefoedd, Ys Annozero Atoll, YS Annozero island, YS Annozero Resort, Yukon, Yumix Land, Zantropia arts, Zantropia Isl, ZooNation, Zorkmid, Zyngo, ZYNGO GALAXY GAMES, ZyPS Labs
2011-06-23: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-24 04:15 UTC, 33,102 residents, 7,210 in 30d, 984 sims
I've compiled another Avination grid survey, and hope to be able to do so once a week, to better follow the development of the grid.
Region analyses 2011-06-22
(2011-06-22 14:34:15 - 2011-06-23 06:18:32 UTC)
No. of regions 2011-06-23 04:14:49 UTC: 984
No. of regions (0,0)-(2047-2047): 958 (97.4%)
No. of regions (900,900)-(1100,1100): 791 (81.0%)
No.of regions (950,998)-(1003,1050): 16 (1.6%)
Regions owned: No. of owners (out of 97,4%):
958: 578 total
74: 1 (Dieter Bohlen)
21: 1 (Reign Wilder)
19: 2 (Lunix Leven, Marysha Aeon)
11: 1 (Melanie Milland)
10: 1 (John Fall)
8: 2 (Compmark Vella, Tecster Loll)
7: 1 (Stev Nootan)
6: 3 (kit Myoo, Servex Congrejo, yanko Sella)
5: 4 (Daz Raymaker, F0X Andretti, Hanley Macarthur, SikhLife Arts)
4: 16
3: 21
2: 91
1: 434
Gone regions: (the 44 between (0,0)-(2047-2047) since 2011-06-16)
Parada, Calypso Bay Games, Obsession, Brasil Rio, Dubstep Island, Buzios, Estates Sim Admin, Donna Zeminoba, Chicago, Averno II, Averno, BWoR Radio, Gorean Hub2 Kamba island, Whisper, Rockers, Market Place 2, MEB FASHION, Devils Den, lyana&pietru, The Twilight Zone, Prinz Royal Islands, nederland, nederland 2, Lions Den 2, Apollo, SharkClub Gaming 1, Margaritaville, Slovakia, Commercial and private Rental, Istanbul, EPIRUS/WEST GREECE, Blue Horizon Club, Dark Lands, TISANE ESTATES, Las Vegas, BodyCreations, Isabelle's Kingdom, RENTAL 3, RENTAL 5, MIYABI, SAHARA, Gay Bears, Pink Velvet Island, KAMALA & DeCUIR REGION
New regions: (the 27 between (0,0)-(2047-2047) since 2011-06-16)
Motu Tapu, karina island, Mezzo, Adagio, Legato, Venus, aero, Lotus Paradijs, .: JeCey Factory :., GLD Furniture & Homes, Bella Luna, Deviance, alterWhere, TRU Textures, Haiku, Outer Rim, Mystic Isle, Hell, Break Room, Arabian Nights, Southeast Asia, Circle of Life, Marven Gardens, Party Central, Isabelle's Kingdom, HOME and GARDEN 1, Darkshore
Regions: (the 958 between (0,0)-(2047-2047))
::^ZT@R^::, :. WoE .:, .: JeCey Factory :., .:: Prim God ::., .::NOON::. Shapes & Style, ..::: M & C :::.., {ALIAS}, **Fashion Point**, +Eretika+, ~Charmed~, ~Memories~, 1RC, 2Xtreme, 3X Heaven, 519 deSignz Ltd, 69 Park Ave, 777 Entertainment, 777 entertainment 2, 777 Entertainment 3, A World Apart, A111 Games, A111 Games No2, A111 Games No3, A111 Games No4, Absolut & Dissident Isla, Absolutely Fabulous, ACE Casino, Aces & Eights, Acid, AD Sport, Adagio, Adrift, AEGEAN SEA, aero, Affinity, Aimesi, AKEYO, Aksum, Alafia Country Escape, Albion, Alight, alterWhere, alvin, Amber west, Amor, Amsterdam, Amsterdam RedLight District, Amulet Magic, Ancient Alexandria, Andromeda, Angel Heights, AngelWolf, Animated spirits, Annabelle, Arabian Nights, Arcon, Area 1, Area 10, Area 11, Area 12, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 8, Area 9, Argentum, ART !, Ashland, Atlantis the Dream, AVA-TARE, Avalon, Avenue, Avination Builders Supply, Avination Style, Avination Welcome, AVN Mall, ayumura, ayumura town, Babylon, Bad Girl, Bad Sanctum, Bahamas, Balearic Islands, BALI, Ball Mart Animations, Ballroom, Banshees, Barcelona, BDSM, BDSM Island - Insel FSK 18, Beach Bum Island, Beds by Oh Resort, Bee Designs , Bejambled Design, BELGIUM, Bella Luna, Bellagio, Belle of Charleston, BeReal City, Berlin, BerZerkeley, Best Of Avination, BEVERLY, Beverly Hills, Bid, Big Island, Big Isle, Biltmore Forest, Birmingham, Black Sun, Blackjack, Bliss Island, Blue Beard Beach, Blue Moon, Blue Skys, BlueBerry Forest, BlueHorizon, BnB, BnB2, Boardwalk, Bobis, Bootes, Bora Bora, Boys Town, Brasil AvNation, Brasil Corp Associados, Brasil Japan, Break Room, Breaking Dawn, Bressig1, Bressig2, Bressig3, Breyer Paradise Estate, British Tortuga, Brock, Broken Axle Island, Bromelic, Brutal City, Budapest, Butterfly Island, Calypso Bay Poker, Calypso Sands Estates, Calypso Sands Village, Camelot, CAMILLA'S - ECLECTIC DESIGN, Canada, Captiva, CARDS, Carmarthenshire, Casino, Casino City, Casino City 2, Casino City 3, Casino Imperial, CASINO L, Casino Neptune, Casino Nights, CASINO UNIVERSE, CasperTech, Castle Game, Castle Games, Cattleyas, Cedar Point, Celebrations Unlimited & Co., Celestial Game Tower, Ceriba, CFF Homeland, CFF Homeland 02, CFF Homeland 03, Chaos, Chateau de Tranquilite, Chelonia, Cherry Games, Chilli, China, CHRONIC NATION, Circle of Life, City Center, Civic Center, CL Design, Club Paradise, Coconut Bay, Coda, colorado, Colten Harbor, Commercial District Mall, CONSTRUCT, Coral Bay, Corleone, Couplez Resort And Lounge, Coventry, Covet, Crash Design, Crazy Games, Crown, Crown Casino, Cru South, Crystal Cove, Cutie Island, CY Design DJ, audio and club equipment, D.A.L.I., Dahlinks, Damselfly Hair Salon, Dania's House & Garden Paradise, Dark Refuge, Darkshore, DB1, DB10, DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15, DB16, DB17, DB18, DB19, DB2, DB20, DB21, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25, DB26, DB27, DB28, DB29, DB3, DB30, DB31, DB32, DB33, DB34, DB35, DB36, DB37, DB38, DB39, DB4, DB40, DB41, DB42, DB43, DB44, DB45, DB46, DB47, DB48, DB49, DB5, DB50, DB51, DB52, DB53, DB55, DB56, DB57, DB58, DB59, DB6, DB60, DB7, DB8, DB9, DE Designs Clothes, Deal, Delphi, DELUXE GAMES, DeM Games, Denmark, Destiny Isle, Deviance, Distinctive Mystique, Dite, Divine Daisy, DLicious, DollyRock, Domain Paradisia, Doobie Island, DownUnda, Drasilova, Dream Estates, Dream Homes, Dream Ink Design, DreamLand, Drinja, Dutch Island, Dvandva, Dyer Maker Animations & Poses, Dynasty Gaming, Dynasty Gaming 2, EarthStones, Ebergarten, Echo Heartland, Eclipse, Ecomm, Eden, Egypt, Egypt Delta, ELBA, Electric Geisha, ELITE GAMES, Elysium, Emily's, Emmyline Slot Machines, Enigma, Enjoy Land, Epic, Erador, Erewhon, Essential Soul, Essential Style, Eventide, excaliber paradise, Exploration Island, Explore Me, Extreme, Fair Winds!, Fairplay Designs, FALLEN FANTASY, FANTASIA, Fantasy Island, Fantasy World Estates, Fashion, FashioNation Blvd., Fatal Desires, FD-Line Motor Yachts, feast, Felicity, FireHorse , Fireside, Fish Bowl, Fortuna Plaza, Fortune Games, FrAmed, France, France Accueil, Freckles, Freedom Mall, French Touch, FUJIYAMA, Fun Island, FurrtherEast, FurrtherMoor, FurrtherWest, Futian, GALAXY CASINO, Galland Homes, Gallifrey, Game Club Neptune, GAME NATION, GAME NATION II, GAME NATION III, GAME UNIVERSE, GaMe WoRLD, GAMES, GAMES 1, GAMES UNIVERSE, GAMING, Gaming Extreme, Gaming Paradise, Gaming Paradise Diamond, Gaming Paradise Extreme, Gaming Paradise Platinum, Gaming Paradise Royalle, Gaming Paradise Sunset, Garden of Eden, Gasparilla Games, Gateway Paradise, Gawk! to the DeeTaleZ, Gaywood, Gemini Isle, Gil Games, Gimli, GIRGI XIAO, GLD Furniture & Homes, Glocca Morra, Gloucester, Gold Nuggets Casino, Goldbusiness, Goldbusiness1, Goldbusiness3, Golden Nugget, Golden Palace 1, Golden Palace 2, Golden Palace 3, Golden Palace 4, Golden Palace 5, Golden Palace 6, Goodlife, Goose Bay, Gothic Obsession, GothiCatz, Gown, Gran Cru, GRAND ISLAND, GREECE, GREEN DOLPHIN BEACH, GreenLife, Grid Games, Guan Yin City, Gurly Styl, Gutter Games, GY Paraiso, Gypsy Isle, Haiku, Hairy Pineapple, Half Moon Bay, Hammersmith Palais Isle, Happy Games, Harbor Cay, Harley_Ginas, Heaven, Heavenly, Heavenly Escape, Hell, HELP Island, Hemera 1, Hermitage, HICKTOWN, HIDEAWAY BAY, Hobbs End, HOLDEM, Holgin Oriente Isle, Holland, Hollow, Holmen, HOME and GARDEN 1, Home Town, hoorenbeek, Hummingbird, Hummingbird Creations, I+D SCRIPTERS, IKA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, IKON, Ilha do sossego, Immortal Myth, Imperial Ar, Imperial,Zyngo,Deal,Kichers., In StyLE, INCOGNITO Fine Furniture, INDIAN LAND, INDIGO, iNEDIT Men & Women, Infinity, Ingelheim, Initiative, Iron Horse Island, Isabelle's Kingdom, iSassy, Isla Maldito, Isla Paradise, Island Tropics, Islands of the Arts, Isle of Dreams, Isle of Fantasy, Isle of Mother Earth, ITALIA, ITALIAN DREAMS, ITALIAN SQUARE, Jackson Bay, Jackson Place, JADED, Janjiis PEACE, Java Island, Jayzee, Jersey, Jewels Island, Jo's Place, JOIN LAND, Joker Games, Jokers Wyld, Joy, july, june, Just In The Nick Of Time, K & S Moloka'i, Kai Bay, KANSAI, karina island, Katachi, Kazumi Island, KCs Gaming Headquarters, Kicker Estate, Kidd, KingDom Estate, KingDom Island, Kink, KiraLand, Kirschvogur, Kismet, Kitti Kat Island, KK FOOD and PARTY, Knarmanda, Kokomo Beach, Kush, Labrador Sea, LaDiamond, Lago di Como, Laguna, Lahaina, LAND, Land Of Darkness, Landro, LaRosa, Las Orcas, Las Vegas Games, Las Vegas Nevada, Lawless Estates, LCGS, Le Nuage, Leaf, Leafpile Broadcasting Inc., Legato, Lesbian Resort, Lhasa, Limburg, Lions Den, lizard tail, Logi, London, Londons Point, Lookout Point, Loon and Leven Labs, Lorien, Los Angeles, Lost Island, Lotus Island, Lotus Paradijs, Lovers Dreamland, Lovers Isle, Lovers Lane, Lseven Region, LtMe's Surprize, Luna Estates, Luna Island , Lush, Luv's Hideway, Luv's Island, Luv's Oasis, Luv's Paradise, Macao, Macarthur Farms, Macarthur Park, Macarthur Square, Macau, Mackinaw Island, MADININA, Madrid, Mafia, Magia Island, Magic Dreams, Magic Island, Magic Isle, Magic Paradise, Magnetic Fields, MAKI Island, MAKI Resort, Malibu, Maniax Resort, Manichea, Marginalia, Marin Island, Market, MARKET SQUARE MALL, Marketplace Island, Marpole, Marsana, MARSANA 2, Marven Gardens, Mashimaro, masquerade, Massalia, Master Open, Matsuba, Maven Isle, Mayhem, McClellan Inland, Meeting Point, Meltonian, Memories, Mezzo, Miami, Midnight Lotus, Millenium, Mini Vegas, Misfits, Mistwalker Cove, MM Creations, Mo Anam Cara, Monday Creations, Money Island Casino, Monmartre, Monte Carlo, Montego Bay, Moo Town I, Moo Town II, Moon Shine, Moon Valley, MoonStar, Motu Tapu, Movie Studio, Mudfork, Murano, Music, musicearthlovebirth, Musicians United, MYKONOS, Mystery Island, Mystic Falls, Mystic Isle, Myth Gaming I, Narnia, NATIVE LAND, Natural Beauty, Navona, naxos island, Nederland 3, neo susukino, Neptune, Neptune SE, Neptune SW, Neptune W, Nevada, NEVADA 1, NEVADA 2, Nexxu Technologies, Nigerian Vista, Nightfire, Nirvana, No Limits, nolyne, Noumena, NsG Estate, Numbers Island, NyX, Ocean View, Odd Bawlz 2, Ohana, ohmg, Ometepe, OneDom, OneDom West, Onze Hemel, Open Breese, Opium, Opium 2, Opium 3, Opium IV, Oracle, Orange, Original Fruit, Otaku Zone, Outer Rim, Outlaws, OZ, Palm Beach, Palm Island, Pandora, Paradaisu, Paradise, Paradise found, Paradise island, Paradise Isle, Paradise Isle II, Paradox, Parc Games, Park Place, Parkplace, ParrotHead Cove, Party Central, Paula&Trixi\'s Liebesnestchen, Peaceskater Gaming Cove, Pemberley, Pen Island, Peter Estate, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Phoenix Island, phx2000, Pickwicks, Pixel Lighthouse, PixelDoodles, Plush, Point Lookout, POKER, Poker Paradise, Port Royale, Primrose, Psych Ward, PsyGallery, PurpleMoon Creations, PUX, Quan Enterprises, Ragnarok, Raiden, Randm Isle, Random Rosie, Randys Land, Rapture, REAL REALITY, Real Waves, Red Winter, REDGRAVE Skins and Fashion, RedLight District, Reel Froggy, Refuge, Reign, Remix, RENATO, RENTAL 1, Rio Bravo, Riviera, RIVIERA Casino 1, RIVIERA Casino 2, RIVIERA Casino 3, RIVIERA Casino 4, Rock Island, Rock Star, Rockport, Roman Empire, Romanos, romantique island, Rome, Roselinda's Paradise, Rotterdam, Rotterdam virtual, Rouge Island, Rovere, ROYAL, Royal Temptation XXX Games , Rummage City, Sa.Sa. Fashion Club, SABOTIAN, SABOTIAN Enterprises, Safira Moonlight, SAM, San Francisco, Sanctuary, Sandbanks, Sandbox, Sandel Dreams 3, Sands, Sannibel, SANTORINI, Santosha V, Saphoria, Sappho's Paradise, Satiated Desires, score note, Selikum, Sensation, Serendipity Island, Serenity, Serenity Bay, Serenity II, Serenity Isles, Server Room, Sexy, Sexy Passion, SF Design, Shadyland, Shangri-La, SharkClub Development, SharkClub Gaming, Sharonna, Shelman Sandbox 2, Shelter, Shenandoah, SHiNYbrand, Shotglass Games, Shylandia, Sicilia Isola dei Sogni, Sikh Life 1, Sikh Life 2, Sikh Life 3, Sikh Life 4, Silvari Cove, Silver Reef 1, Silver Reef 2, Silver Reef 3, Silver Reef 4, Sim City, Sinsation Bay, Sinsation Cove, Slice Of Heave, Slummy City, Slut Haus, SLX Board, SLX Board Sud, Smoking Aces Gaming, Smoking Aces Gaming II, SOL Island, Some Sim, Southeast Asia, Southold Beach, Speed Master, Spike Source, St james, Star Valley, Starbright Bay, Starbright Homes, Stars Designs, State of Independence, STEPFORD WOODS, Stolen Moments, Stolen Moments 2, Stormhold, Stormy Wind, STRAY NATION, Stx Tech, Stylez, Sugarplums, Sulcata, Summer Bay, sun Valley, Sunny Island, Sunset Glory, Sunset Palace, Sunset Paradise, Susanti Islands, Suzi's Paradise, Swagger, Sweet Hideout, Sweet Hollow, Sweet Retreat, Sweet Serenity, Sybaris, Synthetic, T & B ESTATES, Tamayo Island, Tamayo Island East, Tamayo Island North, Tamayo Island South, Targeta Blue, TashaJoubert, TD Templates, TECNO TEXTURES, Tee'z, TeleLinden, Templar Island, Terra Ursa, Terre d'Asile, ThaliasFashion, The Art Thing, The Carroll\'s Cove, The City of Tarnwald., The elements, The Elements2, The Falls, The G.R.E.A.T. Island, The Golden Moon, The Grand Casino, The Great Canadian Cabin, The Jungle, THE MAGIC ISLAND, The Original Slums, The Retreat, The Ritz, The Rock, The Track, This N That Village Store, Thunder, Tiamora, TicoTico, Token City, Tokyo City, Top Diamond, Top Games, Top Jasper, Tranquility, Treasure Island, Tree Frog, Trendy Templates, Tri-X Ranch, TRIBAL LAND, Trompe Loeil, TRU Textures, TrueHeart, Truth, Turkiye, Tutorial Island, Two Moon Paradise, U.N.I.T.Y ESTATES, Ultra Violence, Unlimited Love, Valentine, Valhalla, Vampire Bay, Vanity Designs Inc., Vegas, Vegas Sands, Vegas Vacation, Vengeance, Venus, VIAXER & CHIARA'S ISLAND, vild, Vintner City, Vintner Point, Vintner Slums, Virtual World, Virtual World Estates, Virtual Worlds Services, Virtualworx, Vista Animations, Votant, Votiv, Voto, Wahamii Island 1, Wahamii Island 2, Waikiki, Warm Animations, Washago, Water Lilies, Waterfalls, Waterford, WaterMills, Waters Edge, Way Cross, WDL Games, WeezlePops Estate, Welcome, Welcome Germany, Westminster, Wet N Sticky, Whippetland, Whispering Shores, Whitewater Reserve, Wicked, Wild Heart, Wild West, Wildcat-Bay, Wildfire, Wildfire II, Willows, Wineworld, Wish Upon A Star , Wynchester Hope Island, Xanten, Xyron, YES !, yr Nefoedd, Ys Annozero Atoll, YS Annozero island, YS Annozero Resort, Yukon, Yumix Land, Zantropia arts, Zantropia Isl, ZooNation, Zorkmid, Zyngo, ZYNGO GALAXY GAMES, ZyPS Labs
2011-06-23: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-24 04:15 UTC, 33,102 residents, 7,210 in 30d, 984 sims
torsdag 23 juni 2011
Showing things done
This morning, I spent chatting with Maggie in bed. In the evening, she came a bit late, but we also met Lena, and she showed us the home she created in the house Maggie gave her. It was really very nice, with clever furniture and tasteful shibari artworks as decoration. Lena had also added some BDSM poses into her bed, besides the ordinary sleeping variant. She really is talented.
After Lena had to leave, Maggie wanted to see the finished dungeon. I showed it to her, and she wanted to try the devices I put there. She said she liked it, so I hope any visitors to the island will too, once we open up to public.
Before I met Maggie in the evening, I kind of blew my top on the Avination forums. There's that guy there who is so smug, and who got really rude against someone who just asked if it was true that an ex Emerald developer was working on the Avination viewer. I had planned to not destroy people's joy over all the whistles and bells the new viewer brought, even if I myself won't touch it with that rogue developer from Emerald involved in it. But I couldn't help but hitting that guy on the forum pretty hard with the facts he tried to ridicule. I guess I won't be the most popular guy around after it, but I guess I can live with that. The question is if Avination can survive the utterly stupid decision to bring that rogue developer on board.
2011-06-22: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-23 04:15 UTC, 33,011 residents, 7,255 in 30d, 987 sims
After Lena had to leave, Maggie wanted to see the finished dungeon. I showed it to her, and she wanted to try the devices I put there. She said she liked it, so I hope any visitors to the island will too, once we open up to public.
Before I met Maggie in the evening, I kind of blew my top on the Avination forums. There's that guy there who is so smug, and who got really rude against someone who just asked if it was true that an ex Emerald developer was working on the Avination viewer. I had planned to not destroy people's joy over all the whistles and bells the new viewer brought, even if I myself won't touch it with that rogue developer from Emerald involved in it. But I couldn't help but hitting that guy on the forum pretty hard with the facts he tried to ridicule. I guess I won't be the most popular guy around after it, but I guess I can live with that. The question is if Avination can survive the utterly stupid decision to bring that rogue developer on board.
2011-06-22: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-23 04:15 UTC, 33,011 residents, 7,255 in 30d, 987 sims
onsdag 22 juni 2011
Whistles and bells
Yesterday, Maggie and me lay cuddling and playing some in bed in the morning. In the evening, I logged into Second Life for the first time in weeks, to check some of my creations there to try and re-create them in Avination. I got the prim part of them done, even if it took a while longer than planned, owing to a dear friend keeping me.
This morning, Maggie and me chatted about various things in the morning. In the evening, I finalized my old creations from Second Life regarding scripts and animations as well, while Maggie played around some with a sky box I created for her, creating an astounding atmosphere there. I think I'm about done with the dungeon part for now, after placing my "new" devices in the cells and common play area there. It looks pretty well equipped, and I hope people will find it exciting enough to try a few things out there, once we open the sim to public.
Today I also found out Avination released a new version of the viewer. The first comments about it was overwhelmingly positive, even if a few bugs were found as well. Looking at the release notes, it seems to be mostly whistles and bells though, and not so much really improved functionality. Also, considering the track record of the creator of it, concerning griefing, copybot building, spyware, stalking and harassment, I'm afraid the new version and future versions of the viewer are dead to me. In the end it will probably mean me giving up Avination as well, since I guess the old viewer I'm using now will become impossible to use as development proceeds on viewer and servers in parallel.
I have commitments in Avination until the end of August though, so unless things deteriorate too much inworld, I'll try and hang on until then. I've already talked with Maggie about the turn things have taken, and I think she will be OK if we leave Avination for some other virtual world. Considering the options, it looks like the only realistic alternative for me now will be to swallow my pride and crawl back to Second Life if so.
2011-06-20: -
2011-06-21: uploads -C$70
Avination stats:
2011-06-21 04:14 UTC, 32,869 residents, 7,382 in 30d, 1,000 sims
2011-06-22 04:14 UTC, 32,945 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 995 sims
This morning, Maggie and me chatted about various things in the morning. In the evening, I finalized my old creations from Second Life regarding scripts and animations as well, while Maggie played around some with a sky box I created for her, creating an astounding atmosphere there. I think I'm about done with the dungeon part for now, after placing my "new" devices in the cells and common play area there. It looks pretty well equipped, and I hope people will find it exciting enough to try a few things out there, once we open the sim to public.
Today I also found out Avination released a new version of the viewer. The first comments about it was overwhelmingly positive, even if a few bugs were found as well. Looking at the release notes, it seems to be mostly whistles and bells though, and not so much really improved functionality. Also, considering the track record of the creator of it, concerning griefing, copybot building, spyware, stalking and harassment, I'm afraid the new version and future versions of the viewer are dead to me. In the end it will probably mean me giving up Avination as well, since I guess the old viewer I'm using now will become impossible to use as development proceeds on viewer and servers in parallel.
I have commitments in Avination until the end of August though, so unless things deteriorate too much inworld, I'll try and hang on until then. I've already talked with Maggie about the turn things have taken, and I think she will be OK if we leave Avination for some other virtual world. Considering the options, it looks like the only realistic alternative for me now will be to swallow my pride and crawl back to Second Life if so.
2011-06-20: -
2011-06-21: uploads -C$70
Avination stats:
2011-06-21 04:14 UTC, 32,869 residents, 7,382 in 30d, 1,000 sims
2011-06-22 04:14 UTC, 32,945 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 995 sims
måndag 20 juni 2011
Fooling around and discussing the future
Today, Maggie and I spent the morning cuddling in bed and chatting. In the evening, Maggie was with Lena when I came, showing her some of the recent additions on the island BDSM. Lena seemed to appreciate the news, and I finally got a chance to see her naughty seesaw in action. She and Maggie looked really sweet straddling it, slowly bobbing up and down on the large plugs she had attached under holes in the balance plank.
After Lena left, Maggie and I went to a closing sale from a creator leaving Avination. Sorry to say, but with the prices and qualities, even with the items on sale with 50% off, I'm not surprised they're closing down. They may have made OK a few months back, but today, they can hardly compete since you can easily find twice the quality for half the price in Avination. Basically, they're one of those mechants I use to say try and sell a L$200 suit for C$1200, just because it's in Avination, also called Merchantville.
I am developing my surveillance of Avination and the analyses of the results continuously. The results from the grid survey, when analysed a bit more in depth, was really not very positive. Basically, I fear that when some of the things there get known, which they will eventually, regardless of if I blow the whistle or not, Avination will have many serious issues with their paying customers, maybe enough to push them out of business. What Avination needs is either a management replacement for the grid owner Melanie, or her understanding it's not a viable business model to have customers pay for her and friends' private sandbox, without caring one bit about said customers' needs.
2011-06-19: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-20 04:14 UTC, 32,776 residents, 7,405 in 30d, 1,003 sims
After Lena left, Maggie and I went to a closing sale from a creator leaving Avination. Sorry to say, but with the prices and qualities, even with the items on sale with 50% off, I'm not surprised they're closing down. They may have made OK a few months back, but today, they can hardly compete since you can easily find twice the quality for half the price in Avination. Basically, they're one of those mechants I use to say try and sell a L$200 suit for C$1200, just because it's in Avination, also called Merchantville.
I am developing my surveillance of Avination and the analyses of the results continuously. The results from the grid survey, when analysed a bit more in depth, was really not very positive. Basically, I fear that when some of the things there get known, which they will eventually, regardless of if I blow the whistle or not, Avination will have many serious issues with their paying customers, maybe enough to push them out of business. What Avination needs is either a management replacement for the grid owner Melanie, or her understanding it's not a viable business model to have customers pay for her and friends' private sandbox, without caring one bit about said customers' needs.
2011-06-19: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-20 04:14 UTC, 32,776 residents, 7,405 in 30d, 1,003 sims
söndag 19 juni 2011
A huge lighthouse
To keep things simple with Maggie's helicopter circling the BDSM island, I built a tower in Doric style this morning, as a kind of "station" at altitude for it. In the afternoon, I modified it some, and added a large fire bowl on its top, making it kind of an ancient lighthouse. The view from there, as well as from the circling helicopters, is great, and I think that it can become a popular attraction on the island. I also cleaned up some in the dungeon, added the new dildo pole I finished yesterday to all the cells and the common dungeon area as well, and added image holders both to the tower and in the to-be art maze.
Later in the evening, Maggie brought me to a place selling houses, garden furniture and full set pools. She was much after the pool furniture, but was almost jumping up and down from wanting the pool itself. I have already been planning for a pool at the to-be club area, but these pools were large. However, if they're mod as it says, I should be able to fix both its size and its looks, to make it fit and blend in better in the environment. We will wait with buying until tomorrow though, to melt and ponder some on it.
2011-06-18: uploads -C$550
Avination stats:
2011-06-19 04:14 UTC, 32,633 residents, 7,397 in 30d, 1,006 sims
Later in the evening, Maggie brought me to a place selling houses, garden furniture and full set pools. She was much after the pool furniture, but was almost jumping up and down from wanting the pool itself. I have already been planning for a pool at the to-be club area, but these pools were large. However, if they're mod as it says, I should be able to fix both its size and its looks, to make it fit and blend in better in the environment. We will wait with buying until tomorrow though, to melt and ponder some on it.
2011-06-18: uploads -C$550
Avination stats:
2011-06-19 04:14 UTC, 32,633 residents, 7,397 in 30d, 1,006 sims
lördag 18 juni 2011
Fighting with scripts and region statistics
Today it took me all day to re-create a BDSM toy I once built in Second Life here in Avination. I think the script I had written for it ran into almost every discrepancy there is regarding scripting between Second Life and Avination, so I had to more or less re-write it entirely, adding special hacks to circumvent some of the obstacles. In the end, I got it working, although not as well as it worked in Second Life. Maggie kept herself occupied with playing Zyngo, shopping things for the island, learning to use some new decorations she bought, and building, among other things a nifty helicopter that we'll set to circle the island for sight-seeing.
I've been working on a good way to presenting the region data I collected, The way below is far from perfect, but here goes:
Region analyses 2011-06-16
(2011-06-16 14:10:49 - 2011-06-17 05:45:25 UTC)
No. of regions 2011-06-17 04:17:07 UTC: 1002
No. of regions (0,0)-(2047-2047): 975 (97.3%)
No. of regions (900,900)-(1100,1100): 806 (80.4%)
No.of regions (950,998)-(1003,1050): 16 (1.6%)
Regions owned: No. of owners (out of 97,3%):
975: 590 total
74: 1 (Dieter Bohlen)
19: 2 (Lunix Leven, Marysha Aeon)
14: 1 (Reign Wilder)
11: 1 (Melanie Milland)
10: 1 (John Fall)
8: 2 (Compmark Vella, Tecster Loll)
7: 2 (Clark Kidomen, Stev Nootan)
6: 3 (kit Myoo, Servex Congrejo, yanko Sella)
5: 4 (Daz Raymaker, F0X Andretti, Hanley Macarthur, SikhLife Arts)
4: 18
3: 21
2: 91
1: 443
Region names: (the 975 between (0,0)-(2047-2047))
::^ZT@R^::, :. WoE .:, .:: Prim God ::., .::NOON::. Shapes & Style, ..::: M & C :::.., {ALIAS}, **Fashion Point**, +Eretika+, ~Charmed~, ~Memories~, 1RC, 2Xtreme, 3X Heaven, 519 deSignz Ltd, 69 Park Ave, 777 Entertainment, 777 entertainment 2, 777 Entertainment 3, A World Apart, A111 Games, A111 Games No2, A111 Games No3, A111 Games No4, Absolut & Dissident Isla, Absolutely Fabulous, ACE Casino, Aces & Eights, Acid, AD Sport, Adrift, AEGEAN SEA, Affinity, Aimesi, AKEYO, Aksum, Alafia Country Escape, Albion, Alight, alvin, Amber west, Amor, Amsterdam, Amsterdam RedLight District, Amulet Magic, Ancient Alexandria, Andromeda, Angel Heights, AngelWolf, Animated spirits, Annabelle, Apollo, Arcon, Area 1, Area 10, Area 11, Area 12, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 8, Area 9, Argentum, ART !, Ashland, Atlantis the Dream, AVA-TARE, Avalon, Avenue, Averno, Averno II, Avination Builders Supply, Avination Style, Avination Welcome, AVN Mall, ayumura, ayumura town, Babylon, Bad Girl, Bad Sanctum, Bahamas, Balearic Islands, BALI, Ball Mart Animations, Ballroom, Banshees, Barcelona, BDSM, BDSM Island - Insel FSK 18, Beach Bum Island, Beds by Oh Resort, Bee Designs , Bejambled Design, BELGIUM, Bellagio, Belle of Charleston, BeReal City, Berlin, BerZerkeley, Best Of Avination, BEVERLY, Beverly Hills, Bid, Big Island, Big Isle, Biltmore Forest, Birmingham, Black Sun, Blackjack, Bliss Island, Blue Beard Beach, Blue Horizon Club, Blue Moon, Blue Skys, BlueBerry Forest, BlueHorizon, BnB, BnB2, Boardwalk, Bobis, BodyCreations, Bootes, Bora Bora, Boys Town, Brasil AvNation, Brasil Corp Associados, Brasil Japan, Brasil Rio, Breaking Dawn, Bressig1, Bressig2, Bressig3, Breyer Paradise Estate, British Tortuga, Brock, Broken Axle Island, Bromelic, Brutal City, Budapest, Butterfly Island, Buzios, BWoR Radio, Calypso Bay Games, Calypso Bay Poker, Calypso Sands Estates, Calypso Sands Village, Camelot, CAMILLA'S - ECLECTIC DESIGN, Canada, Captiva, CARDS, Carmarthenshire, Casino, Casino City, Casino City 2, Casino City 3, Casino Imperial, CASINO L, Casino Neptune, Casino Nights, CASINO UNIVERSE, CasperTech, Castle Game, Castle Games, Cattleyas, Cedar Point, Celebrations Unlimited & Co., Celestial Game Tower, Ceriba, CFF Homeland, CFF Homeland 02, CFF Homeland 03, Chaos, Chateau de Tranquilite, Chelonia, Cherry Games, Chicago, Chilli, China, CHRONIC NATION, City Center, Civic Center, CL Design, Club Paradise, Coconut Bay, Coda, colorado, Colten Harbor, Commercial and private Rental, Commercial District Mall, CONSTRUCT, Coral Bay, Corleone, Couplez Resort And Lounge, Coventry, Covet, Crash Design, Crazy Games, Crown, Crown Casino, Cru South, Crystal Cove, Cutie Island, CY Design DJ, audio and club equipment, D.A.L.I., Dahlinks, Damselfly Hair Salon, Dania's House & Garden Paradise, Dark Lands, Dark Refuge, DB1, DB10, DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15, DB16, DB17, DB18, DB19, DB2, DB20, DB21, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25, DB26, DB27, DB28, DB29, DB3, DB30, DB31, DB32, DB33, DB34, DB35, DB36, DB37, DB38, DB39, DB4, DB40, DB41, DB42, DB43, DB44, DB45, DB46, DB47, DB48, DB49, DB5, DB50, DB51, DB52, DB53, DB55, DB56, DB57, DB58, DB59, DB6, DB60, DB7, DB8, DB9, DE Designs Clothes, Deal, Delphi, DELUXE GAMES, DeM Games, Denmark, Destiny Isle, Devils Den, Distinctive Mystique, Dite, Divine Daisy, DLicious, DollyRock, Domain Paradisia, Donna Zeminoba, Doobie Island, DownUnda, Drasilova, Dream Estates, Dream Homes, Dream Ink Design, DreamLand, Drinja, Dubstep Island, Dutch Island, Dvandva, Dyer Maker Animations & Poses, Dynasty Gaming, Dynasty Gaming 2, EarthStones, Ebergarten, Echo Heartland, Eclipse, Ecomm, Eden, Egypt, Egypt Delta, ELBA, Electric Geisha, ELITE GAMES, Elysium, Emily's, Emmyline Slot Machines, Enigma, Enjoy Land, Epic, EPIRUS/WEST GREECE, Erador, Erewhon, Essential Soul, Essential Style, Estates Sim Admin, Eventide, excaliber paradise, Exploration Island, Explore Me, Extreme, Fair Winds!, Fairplay Designs, FALLEN FANTASY, FANTASIA, Fantasy Island, Fantasy World Estates, Fashion, FashioNation Blvd., Fatal Desires, FD-Line Motor Yachts, feast, Felicity, FireHorse , Fireside, Fish Bowl, Fortuna Plaza, Fortune Games, FrAmed, France, France Accueil, Freckles, Freedom Mall, French Touch, FUJIYAMA, Fun Island, FurrtherEast, FurrtherMoor, FurrtherWest, Futian, GALAXY CASINO, Galland Homes, Gallifrey, Game Club Neptune, GAME NATION, GAME NATION II, GAME NATION III, GAME UNIVERSE, GaMe WoRLD, GAMES, GAMES 1, GAMES UNIVERSE, GAMING, Gaming Extreme, Gaming Paradise, Gaming Paradise Diamond, Gaming Paradise Extreme, Gaming Paradise Platinum, Gaming Paradise Royalle, Gaming Paradise Sunset, Garden of Eden, Gasparilla Games, Gateway Paradise, Gawk! to the DeeTaleZ, Gay Bears, Gaywood, Gemini Isle, Gil Games, Gimli, GIRGI XIAO, Glocca Morra, Gloucester, Gold Nuggets Casino, Goldbusiness, Goldbusiness1, Goldbusiness3, Golden Nugget, Golden Palace 1, Golden Palace 2, Golden Palace 3, Golden Palace 4, Golden Palace 5, Golden Palace 6, Goodlife, Goose Bay, Gorean Hub2 Kamba island , Gothic Obsession, GothiCatz, Gown, Gran Cru, GRAND ISLAND, GREECE, GREEN DOLPHIN BEACH, GreenLife, Grid Games, Guan Yin City, Gurly Styl, Gutter Games, GY Paraiso, Gypsy Isle, Hairy Pineapple, Half Moon Bay, Hammersmith Palais Isle, Happy Games, Harbor Cay, Harley_Ginas, Heaven, Heavenly, Heavenly Escape, HELP Island, Hemera 1, Hermitage, HICKTOWN, HIDEAWAY BAY, Hobbs End, HOLDEM, Holgin Oriente Isle, Holland, Hollow, Holmen, Home Town, hoorenbeek, Hummingbird, Hummingbird Creations, I+D SCRIPTERS, IKA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, IKON, Ilha do sossego, Immortal Myth, Imperial Ar, Imperial,Zyngo,Deal,Kichers., In StyLE, INCOGNITO Fine Furniture, INDIAN LAND, INDIGO, iNEDIT Men & Women, Infinity, Ingelheim, Initiative, Iron Horse Island, Isabelle's Kingdom, iSassy, Isla Maldito, Isla Paradise, Island Tropics, Islands of the Arts, Isle of Dreams, Isle of Fantasy, Isle of Mother Earth, Istanbul, ITALIA, ITALIAN DREAMS, ITALIAN SQUARE, Jackson Bay, Jackson Place, JADED, Janjiis PEACE, Java Island, Jayzee, Jersey, Jewels Island, Jo's Place, JOIN LAND, Joker Games, Jokers Wyld, Joy, july, june, Just In The Nick Of Time, K & S Moloka'i, Kai Bay, KAMALA & DeCUIR REGION, KANSAI, Katachi, Kazumi Island, KCs Gaming Headquarters, Kicker Estate, Kidd, KingDom Estate, KingDom Island, Kink, KiraLand, Kirschvogur, Kismet, Kitti Kat Island, KK FOOD and PARTY, Knarmanda, Kokomo Beach, Kush, Labrador Sea, LaDiamond, Lago di Como, Laguna, Lahaina, LAND, Land Of Darkness, Landro, LaRosa, Las Orcas, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Games, Las Vegas Nevada, Lawless Estates, LCGS, Le Nuage, Leaf, Leafpile Broadcasting Inc., Lesbian Resort, Lhasa, Limburg, Lions Den, Lions Den 2, lizard tail, Logi, London, Londons Point, Lookout Point, Loon and Leven Labs, Lorien, Los Angeles, Lost Island, Lotus Island, Lovers Dreamland, Lovers Isle, Lovers Lane, Lseven Region, LtMe's Surprize, Luna Estates, Luna Island , Lush, Luv's Hideway, Luv's Island, Luv's Oasis, Luv's Paradise, lyana&pietru, Macao, Macarthur Farms, Macarthur Park, Macarthur Square, Macau, Mackinaw Island, MADININA, Madrid, Mafia, Magia Island, Magic Dreams, Magic Island, Magic Isle, Magic Paradise, Magnetic Fields, MAKI Island, MAKI Resort, Malibu, Maniax Resort, Manichea, Margaritaville, Marginalia, Marin Island, Market, Market Place 2, MARKET SQUARE MALL, Marketplace Island, Marpole, Marsana, MARSANA 2, Mashimaro, masquerade, Massalia, Master Open, Matsuba, Maven Isle, Mayhem, McClellan Inland, MEB FASHION, Meeting Point, Meltonian, Memories, Miami, Midnight Lotus, Millenium, Mini Vegas, Misfits, Mistwalker Cove, MIYABI, MM Creations, Mo Anam Cara, Monday Creations, Money Island Casino, Monmartre, Monte Carlo, Montego Bay, Moo Town I, Moo Town II, Moon Shine, Moon Valley, MoonStar, Movie Studio, Mudfork, Murano, Music, musicearthlovebirth, Musicians United, MYKONOS, Mystery Island, Mystic Falls, Myth Gaming I, Narnia, NATIVE LAND, Natural Beauty, Navona, naxos island, nederland, nederland 2, Nederland 3, neo susukino, Neptune, Neptune SE, Neptune SW, Neptune W, Nevada, NEVADA 1, NEVADA 2, Nexxu Technologies, Nigerian Vista, Nightfire, Nirvana, No Limits, nolyne, Noumena, NsG Estate, Numbers Island, NyX, Obsession, Ocean View, Odd Bawlz 2, Ohana, ohmg, Ometepe, OneDom, OneDom West, Onze Hemel, Open Breese, Opium, Opium 2, Opium 3, Opium IV, Oracle, Orange, Original Fruit, Otaku Zone, Outlaws, OZ, Palm Beach, Palm Island, Pandora, Parada, Paradaisu, Paradise, Paradise found, Paradise island, Paradise Isle, Paradise Isle II, Paradox, Parc Games, Park Place, Parkplace, ParrotHead Cove, Paula&Trixi\'s Liebesnestchen, Peaceskater Gaming Cove, Pemberley, Pen Island, Peter Estate, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Phoenix Island, phx2000, Pickwicks, Pink Velvet Island, Pixel Lighthouse, PixelDoodles, Plush, Point Lookout, POKER, Poker Paradise, Port Royale, Primrose, Prinz Royal Islands, Psych Ward, PsyGallery, PurpleMoon Creations, PUX, Quan Enterprises, Ragnarok, Raiden, Randm Isle, Random Rosie, Randys Land, Rapture, REAL REALITY, Real Waves, Red Winter, REDGRAVE Skins and Fashion, RedLight District, Reel Froggy, Refuge, Reign, Remix, RENATO, RENTAL 1, RENTAL 3, RENTAL 5, Rio Bravo, Riviera, RIVIERA Casino 1, RIVIERA Casino 2, RIVIERA Casino 3, RIVIERA Casino 4, Rock Island, Rock Star, Rockers, Rockport, Roman Empire, Romanos, romantique island, Rome, Roselinda's Paradise, Rotterdam, Rotterdam virtual, Rouge Island, Rovere, ROYAL, Royal Temptation XXX Games , Rummage City, Sa.Sa. Fashion Club, SABOTIAN, SABOTIAN Enterprises, Safira Moonlight, SAHARA, SAM, San Francisco, Sanctuary, Sandbanks, Sandbox, Sandel Dreams 3, Sands, Sannibel, SANTORINI, Santosha V, Saphoria, Sappho's Paradise, Satiated Desires, score note, Selikum, Sensation, Serendipity Island, Serenity, Serenity Bay, Serenity II, Serenity Isles, Server Room, Sexy, Sexy Passion, SF Design, Shadyland, Shangri-La, SharkClub Development, SharkClub Gaming, SharkClub Gaming 1, Sharonna, Shelman Sandbox 2, Shelter, Shenandoah, SHiNYbrand, Shotglass Games, Shylandia, Sicilia Isola dei Sogni, Sikh Life 1, Sikh Life 2, Sikh Life 3, Sikh Life 4, Silvari Cove, Silver Reef 1, Silver Reef 2, Silver Reef 3, Silver Reef 4, Sim City, Sinsation Bay, Sinsation Cove, Slice Of Heave, Slovakia, Slummy City, Slut Haus, SLX Board, SLX Board Sud, Smoking Aces Gaming, Smoking Aces Gaming II, SOL Island, Some Sim, Southold Beach, Speed Master, Spike Source, St james, Star Valley, Starbright Bay, Starbright Homes, Stars Designs, State of Independence, STEPFORD WOODS, Stolen Moments, Stolen Moments 2, Stormhold, Stormy Wind, STRAY NATION, Stx Tech, Stylez, Sugarplums, Sulcata, Summer Bay, sun Valley, Sunny Island, Sunset Glory, Sunset Palace, Sunset Paradise, Susanti Islands, Suzi's Paradise, Swagger, Sweet Hideout, Sweet Hollow, Sweet Retreat, Sweet Serenity, Sybaris, Synthetic, T & B ESTATES, Tamayo Island, Tamayo Island East, Tamayo Island North, Tamayo Island South, Targeta Blue, TashaJoubert, TD Templates, TECNO TEXTURES, Tee'z, TeleLinden, Templar Island, Terra Ursa, Terre d'Asile, ThaliasFashion, The Art Thing, The Carroll\'s Cove, The City of Tarnwald., The elements, The Elements2, The Falls, The G.R.E.A.T. Island, The Golden Moon, The Grand Casino, The Great Canadian Cabin, The Jungle, THE MAGIC ISLAND, The Original Slums, The Retreat, The Ritz, The Rock, The Track, The Twilight Zone, This N That Village Store, Thunder, Tiamora, TicoTico, TISANE ESTATES, Token City, Tokyo City, Top Diamond, Top Games, Top Jasper, Tranquility, Treasure Island, Tree Frog, Trendy Templates, Tri-X Ranch, TRIBAL LAND, Trompe Loeil, TrueHeart, Truth, Turkiye, Tutorial Island, Two Moon Paradise, U.N.I.T.Y ESTATES, Ultra Violence, Unlimited Love, Valentine, Valhalla, Vampire Bay, Vanity Designs Inc., Vegas, Vegas Sands, Vegas Vacation, Vengeance, VIAXER & CHIARA'S ISLAND, vild, Vintner City, Vintner Point, Vintner Slums, Virtual World, Virtual World Estates, Virtual Worlds Services, Virtualworx, Vista Animations, Votant, Votiv, Voto, Wahamii Island 1, Wahamii Island 2, Waikiki, Warm Animations, Washago, Water Lilies, Waterfalls, Waterford, WaterMills, Waters Edge, Way Cross, WDL Games, WeezlePops Estate, Welcome, Welcome Germany, Westminster, Wet N Sticky, Whippetland, Whisper, Whispering Shores, Whitewater Reserve, Wicked, Wild Heart, Wild West, Wildcat-Bay, Wildfire, Wildfire II, Willows, Wineworld, Wish Upon A Star , Wynchester Hope Island, Xanten, Xyron, YES !, yr Nefoedd, Ys Annozero Atoll, YS Annozero island, YS Annozero Resort, Yukon, Yumix Land, Zantropia arts, Zantropia Isl, ZooNation, Zorkmid, Zyngo, ZYNGO GALAXY GAMES, ZyPS Labs
2011-06-17: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-18 04:13 UTC, 32,468 residents, 7,347 in 30d, 1,008 sims
I've been working on a good way to presenting the region data I collected, The way below is far from perfect, but here goes:
Region analyses 2011-06-16
(2011-06-16 14:10:49 - 2011-06-17 05:45:25 UTC)
No. of regions 2011-06-17 04:17:07 UTC: 1002
No. of regions (0,0)-(2047-2047): 975 (97.3%)
No. of regions (900,900)-(1100,1100): 806 (80.4%)
No.of regions (950,998)-(1003,1050): 16 (1.6%)
Regions owned: No. of owners (out of 97,3%):
975: 590 total
74: 1 (Dieter Bohlen)
19: 2 (Lunix Leven, Marysha Aeon)
14: 1 (Reign Wilder)
11: 1 (Melanie Milland)
10: 1 (John Fall)
8: 2 (Compmark Vella, Tecster Loll)
7: 2 (Clark Kidomen, Stev Nootan)
6: 3 (kit Myoo, Servex Congrejo, yanko Sella)
5: 4 (Daz Raymaker, F0X Andretti, Hanley Macarthur, SikhLife Arts)
4: 18
3: 21
2: 91
1: 443
Region names: (the 975 between (0,0)-(2047-2047))
::^ZT@R^::, :. WoE .:, .:: Prim God ::., .::NOON::. Shapes & Style, ..::: M & C :::.., {ALIAS}, **Fashion Point**, +Eretika+, ~Charmed~, ~Memories~, 1RC, 2Xtreme, 3X Heaven, 519 deSignz Ltd, 69 Park Ave, 777 Entertainment, 777 entertainment 2, 777 Entertainment 3, A World Apart, A111 Games, A111 Games No2, A111 Games No3, A111 Games No4, Absolut & Dissident Isla, Absolutely Fabulous, ACE Casino, Aces & Eights, Acid, AD Sport, Adrift, AEGEAN SEA, Affinity, Aimesi, AKEYO, Aksum, Alafia Country Escape, Albion, Alight, alvin, Amber west, Amor, Amsterdam, Amsterdam RedLight District, Amulet Magic, Ancient Alexandria, Andromeda, Angel Heights, AngelWolf, Animated spirits, Annabelle, Apollo, Arcon, Area 1, Area 10, Area 11, Area 12, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 8, Area 9, Argentum, ART !, Ashland, Atlantis the Dream, AVA-TARE, Avalon, Avenue, Averno, Averno II, Avination Builders Supply, Avination Style, Avination Welcome, AVN Mall, ayumura, ayumura town, Babylon, Bad Girl, Bad Sanctum, Bahamas, Balearic Islands, BALI, Ball Mart Animations, Ballroom, Banshees, Barcelona, BDSM, BDSM Island - Insel FSK 18, Beach Bum Island, Beds by Oh Resort, Bee Designs , Bejambled Design, BELGIUM, Bellagio, Belle of Charleston, BeReal City, Berlin, BerZerkeley, Best Of Avination, BEVERLY, Beverly Hills, Bid, Big Island, Big Isle, Biltmore Forest, Birmingham, Black Sun, Blackjack, Bliss Island, Blue Beard Beach, Blue Horizon Club, Blue Moon, Blue Skys, BlueBerry Forest, BlueHorizon, BnB, BnB2, Boardwalk, Bobis, BodyCreations, Bootes, Bora Bora, Boys Town, Brasil AvNation, Brasil Corp Associados, Brasil Japan, Brasil Rio, Breaking Dawn, Bressig1, Bressig2, Bressig3, Breyer Paradise Estate, British Tortuga, Brock, Broken Axle Island, Bromelic, Brutal City, Budapest, Butterfly Island, Buzios, BWoR Radio, Calypso Bay Games, Calypso Bay Poker, Calypso Sands Estates, Calypso Sands Village, Camelot, CAMILLA'S - ECLECTIC DESIGN, Canada, Captiva, CARDS, Carmarthenshire, Casino, Casino City, Casino City 2, Casino City 3, Casino Imperial, CASINO L, Casino Neptune, Casino Nights, CASINO UNIVERSE, CasperTech, Castle Game, Castle Games, Cattleyas, Cedar Point, Celebrations Unlimited & Co., Celestial Game Tower, Ceriba, CFF Homeland, CFF Homeland 02, CFF Homeland 03, Chaos, Chateau de Tranquilite, Chelonia, Cherry Games, Chicago, Chilli, China, CHRONIC NATION, City Center, Civic Center, CL Design, Club Paradise, Coconut Bay, Coda, colorado, Colten Harbor, Commercial and private Rental, Commercial District Mall, CONSTRUCT, Coral Bay, Corleone, Couplez Resort And Lounge, Coventry, Covet, Crash Design, Crazy Games, Crown, Crown Casino, Cru South, Crystal Cove, Cutie Island, CY Design DJ, audio and club equipment, D.A.L.I., Dahlinks, Damselfly Hair Salon, Dania's House & Garden Paradise, Dark Lands, Dark Refuge, DB1, DB10, DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15, DB16, DB17, DB18, DB19, DB2, DB20, DB21, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25, DB26, DB27, DB28, DB29, DB3, DB30, DB31, DB32, DB33, DB34, DB35, DB36, DB37, DB38, DB39, DB4, DB40, DB41, DB42, DB43, DB44, DB45, DB46, DB47, DB48, DB49, DB5, DB50, DB51, DB52, DB53, DB55, DB56, DB57, DB58, DB59, DB6, DB60, DB7, DB8, DB9, DE Designs Clothes, Deal, Delphi, DELUXE GAMES, DeM Games, Denmark, Destiny Isle, Devils Den, Distinctive Mystique, Dite, Divine Daisy, DLicious, DollyRock, Domain Paradisia, Donna Zeminoba, Doobie Island, DownUnda, Drasilova, Dream Estates, Dream Homes, Dream Ink Design, DreamLand, Drinja, Dubstep Island, Dutch Island, Dvandva, Dyer Maker Animations & Poses, Dynasty Gaming, Dynasty Gaming 2, EarthStones, Ebergarten, Echo Heartland, Eclipse, Ecomm, Eden, Egypt, Egypt Delta, ELBA, Electric Geisha, ELITE GAMES, Elysium, Emily's, Emmyline Slot Machines, Enigma, Enjoy Land, Epic, EPIRUS/WEST GREECE, Erador, Erewhon, Essential Soul, Essential Style, Estates Sim Admin, Eventide, excaliber paradise, Exploration Island, Explore Me, Extreme, Fair Winds!, Fairplay Designs, FALLEN FANTASY, FANTASIA, Fantasy Island, Fantasy World Estates, Fashion, FashioNation Blvd., Fatal Desires, FD-Line Motor Yachts, feast, Felicity, FireHorse , Fireside, Fish Bowl, Fortuna Plaza, Fortune Games, FrAmed, France, France Accueil, Freckles, Freedom Mall, French Touch, FUJIYAMA, Fun Island, FurrtherEast, FurrtherMoor, FurrtherWest, Futian, GALAXY CASINO, Galland Homes, Gallifrey, Game Club Neptune, GAME NATION, GAME NATION II, GAME NATION III, GAME UNIVERSE, GaMe WoRLD, GAMES, GAMES 1, GAMES UNIVERSE, GAMING, Gaming Extreme, Gaming Paradise, Gaming Paradise Diamond, Gaming Paradise Extreme, Gaming Paradise Platinum, Gaming Paradise Royalle, Gaming Paradise Sunset, Garden of Eden, Gasparilla Games, Gateway Paradise, Gawk! to the DeeTaleZ, Gay Bears, Gaywood, Gemini Isle, Gil Games, Gimli, GIRGI XIAO, Glocca Morra, Gloucester, Gold Nuggets Casino, Goldbusiness, Goldbusiness1, Goldbusiness3, Golden Nugget, Golden Palace 1, Golden Palace 2, Golden Palace 3, Golden Palace 4, Golden Palace 5, Golden Palace 6, Goodlife, Goose Bay, Gorean Hub2 Kamba island , Gothic Obsession, GothiCatz, Gown, Gran Cru, GRAND ISLAND, GREECE, GREEN DOLPHIN BEACH, GreenLife, Grid Games, Guan Yin City, Gurly Styl, Gutter Games, GY Paraiso, Gypsy Isle, Hairy Pineapple, Half Moon Bay, Hammersmith Palais Isle, Happy Games, Harbor Cay, Harley_Ginas, Heaven, Heavenly, Heavenly Escape, HELP Island, Hemera 1, Hermitage, HICKTOWN, HIDEAWAY BAY, Hobbs End, HOLDEM, Holgin Oriente Isle, Holland, Hollow, Holmen, Home Town, hoorenbeek, Hummingbird, Hummingbird Creations, I+D SCRIPTERS, IKA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, IKON, Ilha do sossego, Immortal Myth, Imperial Ar, Imperial,Zyngo,Deal,Kichers., In StyLE, INCOGNITO Fine Furniture, INDIAN LAND, INDIGO, iNEDIT Men & Women, Infinity, Ingelheim, Initiative, Iron Horse Island, Isabelle's Kingdom, iSassy, Isla Maldito, Isla Paradise, Island Tropics, Islands of the Arts, Isle of Dreams, Isle of Fantasy, Isle of Mother Earth, Istanbul, ITALIA, ITALIAN DREAMS, ITALIAN SQUARE, Jackson Bay, Jackson Place, JADED, Janjiis PEACE, Java Island, Jayzee, Jersey, Jewels Island, Jo's Place, JOIN LAND, Joker Games, Jokers Wyld, Joy, july, june, Just In The Nick Of Time, K & S Moloka'i, Kai Bay, KAMALA & DeCUIR REGION, KANSAI, Katachi, Kazumi Island, KCs Gaming Headquarters, Kicker Estate, Kidd, KingDom Estate, KingDom Island, Kink, KiraLand, Kirschvogur, Kismet, Kitti Kat Island, KK FOOD and PARTY, Knarmanda, Kokomo Beach, Kush, Labrador Sea, LaDiamond, Lago di Como, Laguna, Lahaina, LAND, Land Of Darkness, Landro, LaRosa, Las Orcas, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Games, Las Vegas Nevada, Lawless Estates, LCGS, Le Nuage, Leaf, Leafpile Broadcasting Inc., Lesbian Resort, Lhasa, Limburg, Lions Den, Lions Den 2, lizard tail, Logi, London, Londons Point, Lookout Point, Loon and Leven Labs, Lorien, Los Angeles, Lost Island, Lotus Island, Lovers Dreamland, Lovers Isle, Lovers Lane, Lseven Region, LtMe's Surprize, Luna Estates, Luna Island , Lush, Luv's Hideway, Luv's Island, Luv's Oasis, Luv's Paradise, lyana&pietru, Macao, Macarthur Farms, Macarthur Park, Macarthur Square, Macau, Mackinaw Island, MADININA, Madrid, Mafia, Magia Island, Magic Dreams, Magic Island, Magic Isle, Magic Paradise, Magnetic Fields, MAKI Island, MAKI Resort, Malibu, Maniax Resort, Manichea, Margaritaville, Marginalia, Marin Island, Market, Market Place 2, MARKET SQUARE MALL, Marketplace Island, Marpole, Marsana, MARSANA 2, Mashimaro, masquerade, Massalia, Master Open, Matsuba, Maven Isle, Mayhem, McClellan Inland, MEB FASHION, Meeting Point, Meltonian, Memories, Miami, Midnight Lotus, Millenium, Mini Vegas, Misfits, Mistwalker Cove, MIYABI, MM Creations, Mo Anam Cara, Monday Creations, Money Island Casino, Monmartre, Monte Carlo, Montego Bay, Moo Town I, Moo Town II, Moon Shine, Moon Valley, MoonStar, Movie Studio, Mudfork, Murano, Music, musicearthlovebirth, Musicians United, MYKONOS, Mystery Island, Mystic Falls, Myth Gaming I, Narnia, NATIVE LAND, Natural Beauty, Navona, naxos island, nederland, nederland 2, Nederland 3, neo susukino, Neptune, Neptune SE, Neptune SW, Neptune W, Nevada, NEVADA 1, NEVADA 2, Nexxu Technologies, Nigerian Vista, Nightfire, Nirvana, No Limits, nolyne, Noumena, NsG Estate, Numbers Island, NyX, Obsession, Ocean View, Odd Bawlz 2, Ohana, ohmg, Ometepe, OneDom, OneDom West, Onze Hemel, Open Breese, Opium, Opium 2, Opium 3, Opium IV, Oracle, Orange, Original Fruit, Otaku Zone, Outlaws, OZ, Palm Beach, Palm Island, Pandora, Parada, Paradaisu, Paradise, Paradise found, Paradise island, Paradise Isle, Paradise Isle II, Paradox, Parc Games, Park Place, Parkplace, ParrotHead Cove, Paula&Trixi\'s Liebesnestchen, Peaceskater Gaming Cove, Pemberley, Pen Island, Peter Estate, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Phoenix Island, phx2000, Pickwicks, Pink Velvet Island, Pixel Lighthouse, PixelDoodles, Plush, Point Lookout, POKER, Poker Paradise, Port Royale, Primrose, Prinz Royal Islands, Psych Ward, PsyGallery, PurpleMoon Creations, PUX, Quan Enterprises, Ragnarok, Raiden, Randm Isle, Random Rosie, Randys Land, Rapture, REAL REALITY, Real Waves, Red Winter, REDGRAVE Skins and Fashion, RedLight District, Reel Froggy, Refuge, Reign, Remix, RENATO, RENTAL 1, RENTAL 3, RENTAL 5, Rio Bravo, Riviera, RIVIERA Casino 1, RIVIERA Casino 2, RIVIERA Casino 3, RIVIERA Casino 4, Rock Island, Rock Star, Rockers, Rockport, Roman Empire, Romanos, romantique island, Rome, Roselinda's Paradise, Rotterdam, Rotterdam virtual, Rouge Island, Rovere, ROYAL, Royal Temptation XXX Games , Rummage City, Sa.Sa. Fashion Club, SABOTIAN, SABOTIAN Enterprises, Safira Moonlight, SAHARA, SAM, San Francisco, Sanctuary, Sandbanks, Sandbox, Sandel Dreams 3, Sands, Sannibel, SANTORINI, Santosha V, Saphoria, Sappho's Paradise, Satiated Desires, score note, Selikum, Sensation, Serendipity Island, Serenity, Serenity Bay, Serenity II, Serenity Isles, Server Room, Sexy, Sexy Passion, SF Design, Shadyland, Shangri-La, SharkClub Development, SharkClub Gaming, SharkClub Gaming 1, Sharonna, Shelman Sandbox 2, Shelter, Shenandoah, SHiNYbrand, Shotglass Games, Shylandia, Sicilia Isola dei Sogni, Sikh Life 1, Sikh Life 2, Sikh Life 3, Sikh Life 4, Silvari Cove, Silver Reef 1, Silver Reef 2, Silver Reef 3, Silver Reef 4, Sim City, Sinsation Bay, Sinsation Cove, Slice Of Heave, Slovakia, Slummy City, Slut Haus, SLX Board, SLX Board Sud, Smoking Aces Gaming, Smoking Aces Gaming II, SOL Island, Some Sim, Southold Beach, Speed Master, Spike Source, St james, Star Valley, Starbright Bay, Starbright Homes, Stars Designs, State of Independence, STEPFORD WOODS, Stolen Moments, Stolen Moments 2, Stormhold, Stormy Wind, STRAY NATION, Stx Tech, Stylez, Sugarplums, Sulcata, Summer Bay, sun Valley, Sunny Island, Sunset Glory, Sunset Palace, Sunset Paradise, Susanti Islands, Suzi's Paradise, Swagger, Sweet Hideout, Sweet Hollow, Sweet Retreat, Sweet Serenity, Sybaris, Synthetic, T & B ESTATES, Tamayo Island, Tamayo Island East, Tamayo Island North, Tamayo Island South, Targeta Blue, TashaJoubert, TD Templates, TECNO TEXTURES, Tee'z, TeleLinden, Templar Island, Terra Ursa, Terre d'Asile, ThaliasFashion, The Art Thing, The Carroll\'s Cove, The City of Tarnwald., The elements, The Elements2, The Falls, The G.R.E.A.T. Island, The Golden Moon, The Grand Casino, The Great Canadian Cabin, The Jungle, THE MAGIC ISLAND, The Original Slums, The Retreat, The Ritz, The Rock, The Track, The Twilight Zone, This N That Village Store, Thunder, Tiamora, TicoTico, TISANE ESTATES, Token City, Tokyo City, Top Diamond, Top Games, Top Jasper, Tranquility, Treasure Island, Tree Frog, Trendy Templates, Tri-X Ranch, TRIBAL LAND, Trompe Loeil, TrueHeart, Truth, Turkiye, Tutorial Island, Two Moon Paradise, U.N.I.T.Y ESTATES, Ultra Violence, Unlimited Love, Valentine, Valhalla, Vampire Bay, Vanity Designs Inc., Vegas, Vegas Sands, Vegas Vacation, Vengeance, VIAXER & CHIARA'S ISLAND, vild, Vintner City, Vintner Point, Vintner Slums, Virtual World, Virtual World Estates, Virtual Worlds Services, Virtualworx, Vista Animations, Votant, Votiv, Voto, Wahamii Island 1, Wahamii Island 2, Waikiki, Warm Animations, Washago, Water Lilies, Waterfalls, Waterford, WaterMills, Waters Edge, Way Cross, WDL Games, WeezlePops Estate, Welcome, Welcome Germany, Westminster, Wet N Sticky, Whippetland, Whisper, Whispering Shores, Whitewater Reserve, Wicked, Wild Heart, Wild West, Wildcat-Bay, Wildfire, Wildfire II, Willows, Wineworld, Wish Upon A Star , Wynchester Hope Island, Xanten, Xyron, YES !, yr Nefoedd, Ys Annozero Atoll, YS Annozero island, YS Annozero Resort, Yukon, Yumix Land, Zantropia arts, Zantropia Isl, ZooNation, Zorkmid, Zyngo, ZYNGO GALAXY GAMES, ZyPS Labs
2011-06-17: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-18 04:13 UTC, 32,468 residents, 7,347 in 30d, 1,008 sims
fredag 17 juni 2011
Dungeon taking shape
This morning, I finalized the last type of cage for the dungeon, a rather wicked one, and let Maggie test it. In the evening, I created a cell door that permits people to lease the key, to have exclusive control over the door and thereby cell. It's not really to make money, since I set the lease quite low, but more a convenient way of offering people the possibility and reducing the risk of it being abused. I then installed the created equipment in all 4 cells in the dungeon. There still are a few more things to re-create and add, but I think that will be comparatively easy.
I also helped Maggie with a cart she's trying to make, for her to pull. I found some critical values for parameters to make it work, but it still messes up some, so it needs more tweaking and experimentation.
2011-06-16: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-17 04:17 UTC, 32,325 residents, 7,357 in 30d, 1,002 sims
I also helped Maggie with a cart she's trying to make, for her to pull. I found some critical values for parameters to make it work, but it still messes up some, so it needs more tweaking and experimentation.
2011-06-16: uploads -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-17 04:17 UTC, 32,325 residents, 7,357 in 30d, 1,002 sims
torsdag 16 juni 2011
More toys finished
Tuesday morning, I sneaked into Second Life, to rezz a couple of creations I made there and refresh my memory on how they were created. I made new versions, not identical but hopefully improved, of a whipping machine and a cell for the dungeon, and also got the scripts in the whipping machine working after some tweaking. When Maggie showed up, we spent the time just chatting about things in general.
Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, I was occupied real-life, and couldn't come to Avination. Wednesday evening, I found time to finish a few of the cages as well, while Maggie was busy prettifying the sim. This morning, Maggie and me just chatted some. In the evening, Lena was there, and we chatted some, the three of us. After Lena left, Maggie and I just relaxed some together before bedtime.
I also found some time to start a project of mapping Avination, more in economic terms than geographical. I managed to track some 97% of the sims in Avination through the map interface offered, getting a clue of distribution and ownership for them. Some 80% of them are located within 100 "squares" from the grid center at position X=1000, Y=1000. There is one really big land owner, and then a handful of semi-big ones, but most of the sims are owned by people who only have one or two sims. I'll add more as I find time to analyse the data better, and present it in a good way.
2011-06-13: upload -C$40
2011-06-14: upload -C$10
2011-06-15: upload -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-14 04:16 UTC, 31,849 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-15 04:17 UTC, 32,013 residents, 7,355 in 30d, 1,003 sims
2011-06-16 04:17 UTC, 32,175 residents, 7,348 in 30d, 1,003 sims
Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, I was occupied real-life, and couldn't come to Avination. Wednesday evening, I found time to finish a few of the cages as well, while Maggie was busy prettifying the sim. This morning, Maggie and me just chatted some. In the evening, Lena was there, and we chatted some, the three of us. After Lena left, Maggie and I just relaxed some together before bedtime.
I also found some time to start a project of mapping Avination, more in economic terms than geographical. I managed to track some 97% of the sims in Avination through the map interface offered, getting a clue of distribution and ownership for them. Some 80% of them are located within 100 "squares" from the grid center at position X=1000, Y=1000. There is one really big land owner, and then a handful of semi-big ones, but most of the sims are owned by people who only have one or two sims. I'll add more as I find time to analyse the data better, and present it in a good way.
2011-06-13: upload -C$40
2011-06-14: upload -C$10
2011-06-15: upload -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-14 04:16 UTC, 31,849 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-15 04:17 UTC, 32,013 residents, 7,355 in 30d, 1,003 sims
2011-06-16 04:17 UTC, 32,175 residents, 7,348 in 30d, 1,003 sims
måndag 13 juni 2011
One problem down
I'm still not up to much in Avination, owing to real-life circumstances. I spend most of my time there chatting with Maggie. This afternoon, I made a new little discovery of discrepancies between Second Life and Avination concerning animations. That finally enabled me to finish one of my toys I re-created from Second Life, but where the animations didn't work properly.
I also heard a worrying rumor that Avination management had engaged the infamous cracker JCool / Fractured Crystal to develop their viewer further. It's not even a year ago since he was permanently banned from Second Life over the Emerald debacle, where he installed spyware in the most popular third-party viewer Emerald, and used it to perform DDoS attacks against people he didn't like. I have asked for a confirmation or denial on the rumor, and if it's true or Avination management refuses to answer, I guess I will have to seriously re-consider my engagement in what they will be turning into a spyware-infested paradise for griefers and copybotters. I'm no friend of Second Life, but even their mismanagement will be better than the purely malicious disrespect Avination management is showing the safety and privacy of their users, if the rumor is true.
2011-06-12: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-13 04:16 UTC, 31,661 residents, 7,314 in 30d, 1,010 sims
I also heard a worrying rumor that Avination management had engaged the infamous cracker JCool / Fractured Crystal to develop their viewer further. It's not even a year ago since he was permanently banned from Second Life over the Emerald debacle, where he installed spyware in the most popular third-party viewer Emerald, and used it to perform DDoS attacks against people he didn't like. I have asked for a confirmation or denial on the rumor, and if it's true or Avination management refuses to answer, I guess I will have to seriously re-consider my engagement in what they will be turning into a spyware-infested paradise for griefers and copybotters. I'm no friend of Second Life, but even their mismanagement will be better than the purely malicious disrespect Avination management is showing the safety and privacy of their users, if the rumor is true.
2011-06-12: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-13 04:16 UTC, 31,661 residents, 7,314 in 30d, 1,010 sims
söndag 12 juni 2011
I haven't been in the mood to do much in Avination lately, owing to real life happenings. What time I've spent there, I've mainly spent with Maggie chatting and playing, and almost nothing on building. I managed to create a simple show sailing boat, and also help Maggie some with a couple of her projects.
I guess part of it is that I'm becoming more and more hesitant to if Avination will survive even until the end of this year, looking at the development of the economic data for it. That makes it hard to motivate spending a lot of time creating things that will be of no good in the end. Hopefully it's just part of my general down mood at present though.
2011-06-09: tier -C$600
2011-06-10: -
2011-06-11: upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-10 04:15 UTC, 31,408 residents, 7,461 in 30d, 1,010 sims
2011-06-11 04:15 UTC, 31,497 residents, 7,399 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-12 04:15 UTC, 31,576 residents, 7,352 in 30d, 1,010 sims
I guess part of it is that I'm becoming more and more hesitant to if Avination will survive even until the end of this year, looking at the development of the economic data for it. That makes it hard to motivate spending a lot of time creating things that will be of no good in the end. Hopefully it's just part of my general down mood at present though.
2011-06-09: tier -C$600
2011-06-10: -
2011-06-11: upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-10 04:15 UTC, 31,408 residents, 7,461 in 30d, 1,010 sims
2011-06-11 04:15 UTC, 31,497 residents, 7,399 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-12 04:15 UTC, 31,576 residents, 7,352 in 30d, 1,010 sims
torsdag 9 juni 2011
Real life interference
Some sad real life happenings have prevented me from visiting Avination for a few days, but today I was there as usual, although not in the best of moods. Maggie and I spent the morning chatting, and in the evening she showed me what she and Lena had built while I was gone. Maggie has prettified the sim BDSM quite some more and created a new hammock, while Lena had built a pretty naughty seesaw toy. Those two girls seem to like each other quite some, and I'm glad for that.
2011-06-05: -
2011-06-06: rock and grass -C$275
2011-06-07: -
2011-06-08: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-06 04:18 UTC, 30,890 residents, 7,531 in 30d, 1,027 sims
2011-06-07 04:18 UTC, 30,988 residents, 7,468 in 30d, 1,020 sims
2011-06-08 04:15 UTC, 31,066 residents, 7,437 in 30d, 1,013 sims
2011-06-09 04:15 UTC, 31,235 residents, 7,405 in 30d, 1,013 sims
2011-06-05: -
2011-06-06: rock and grass -C$275
2011-06-07: -
2011-06-08: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-06 04:18 UTC, 30,890 residents, 7,531 in 30d, 1,027 sims
2011-06-07 04:18 UTC, 30,988 residents, 7,468 in 30d, 1,020 sims
2011-06-08 04:15 UTC, 31,066 residents, 7,437 in 30d, 1,013 sims
2011-06-09 04:15 UTC, 31,235 residents, 7,405 in 30d, 1,013 sims
söndag 5 juni 2011
Technical trouble shooting
This morning, Maggie, Lena and I met, and we talked quite openly about the tensions around us. I think Maggie needed it, because she felt torn between me and her best female friend in Avination, and Lena needed it to know there doesn't need to be a problem with things she has difficulties handling.
In the evening, I hunted down an interesting bug that has been bothering both Lena and me for some time. It turned out that locking of attachments on avatars using RLV (restrained love viewer) at least sometimes spills over onto other nearby avatars, so they can't attach things on those points corresponding to the ones on the avatar where they are locked with RLV. There were a few more quirks to the issue, but hopefully my support ticket to Avination will enable them to track down the cause and solve the issue.
Later in the evening, while I was busy with writing the support ticket, Maggie built a cart designed to be pulled by someone. I found it could be pulled simply by using the basic physics in Avination, but it took Maggie and me some time to get it right. We actually decided to call it a night before the last cosmetic changes to it.
2011-06-04: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-05 04:17 UTC, 30,794 residents, 7,526 in 30d, 1,028 sims
In the evening, I hunted down an interesting bug that has been bothering both Lena and me for some time. It turned out that locking of attachments on avatars using RLV (restrained love viewer) at least sometimes spills over onto other nearby avatars, so they can't attach things on those points corresponding to the ones on the avatar where they are locked with RLV. There were a few more quirks to the issue, but hopefully my support ticket to Avination will enable them to track down the cause and solve the issue.
Later in the evening, while I was busy with writing the support ticket, Maggie built a cart designed to be pulled by someone. I found it could be pulled simply by using the basic physics in Avination, but it took Maggie and me some time to get it right. We actually decided to call it a night before the last cosmetic changes to it.
2011-06-04: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-05 04:17 UTC, 30,794 residents, 7,526 in 30d, 1,028 sims
lördag 4 juni 2011
Trouble shooting
This morning, I logged in to find Maggie and Lena at our house. Lena actually left so quickly I didn't see her, but Maggie told me she had been there. Maggie and me then had a long talk about the relationship between the three of us. We both like Lena a lot, but there are some quirks that needs to be straightened out.
In the afternoon, I had a long chat with Lena as well, and I think that both opened up some between her and me, as well as giving her the security of knowing what goes around the three of us. I then tried to fix one of my devices, without much progress. When Maggie showed up in the evening, she and Lena had a long talk again, while Lena demonstrated her latest creations to Maggie. Damn, that girl is good at design and scripting!
At the end of the evening, Maggie wanted to spend the night in the half-finished dungeon, so I left her there and headed home for our bed in Sweet Hideout alone.
2011-06-03: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-04 04:16 UTC, 30,721 residents, 7,590 in 30d, 1,032 sims
In the afternoon, I had a long chat with Lena as well, and I think that both opened up some between her and me, as well as giving her the security of knowing what goes around the three of us. I then tried to fix one of my devices, without much progress. When Maggie showed up in the evening, she and Lena had a long talk again, while Lena demonstrated her latest creations to Maggie. Damn, that girl is good at design and scripting!
At the end of the evening, Maggie wanted to spend the night in the half-finished dungeon, so I left her there and headed home for our bed in Sweet Hideout alone.
2011-06-03: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-04 04:16 UTC, 30,721 residents, 7,590 in 30d, 1,032 sims
fredag 3 juni 2011
Mini mall
Today, I worked mainly with the forum and the attached mini mall. There will be 3 proper shops to start with, one for me, one for Lena, who I hope I will manage to persuade start selling her creations, and possibly one for Maggie. I also added place for a number of ads or small vendors to the mall. I'm still not done with all the details, but the major layout is done at least.
This evening, Maggie and Lena had a long talk, and afterwards, Maggie and me went window shopping for some accessoirs to the island. We found quite a few pretty good things at decent prices by a new designer, and I'm pretty sure I will shop some there when I know better what I need exactly.
2011-06-02: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-03 04:16 UTC, 30,648 residents, 7,635 in 30d, 1,034 sims
This evening, Maggie and Lena had a long talk, and afterwards, Maggie and me went window shopping for some accessoirs to the island. We found quite a few pretty good things at decent prices by a new designer, and I'm pretty sure I will shop some there when I know better what I need exactly.
2011-06-02: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-03 04:16 UTC, 30,648 residents, 7,635 in 30d, 1,034 sims
torsdag 2 juni 2011
Railroad and grand scale layouts
In the morning, Maggie and me cuddled and chatted as so often. In the afternoon and evening, I made some final adjustments on the railroad tracks, adding crossing and cleaning up some, and also added some stairs and a forum around the temple, for passages and a small market place. That way, Maggie knows better where her decorations can go. She spent the evening hunting for decorations, crashing, and decorating a small island outside the main island. The grid also "froze" for some time, and when we were about to leave, I couldn't TP out of the sim.
2011-06-01: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-02 04:16 UTC, 30,556 residents, 7,652 in 30d, 1,040 sims
The temple with railroad in foreground in the sim BDSM

Maggie's decorated island in the sim BDSM

Walk bridge over the railroad at Maggie's park in the sim BDSM
2011-06-01: -
Avination stats:
2011-06-02 04:16 UTC, 30,556 residents, 7,652 in 30d, 1,040 sims
The temple with railroad in foreground in the sim BDSM

Maggie's decorated island in the sim BDSM

Walk bridge over the railroad at Maggie's park in the sim BDSM

onsdag 1 juni 2011
Slow progress
This morning, I spent the time in bed, chatting with Maggie. In the evening, I kept building the railroad until Maggie came, a bit later than usual, and then the sim BDSM messed up, so we decided to restart BDSM and go spend some time together in Sweet Hideout instead, before restarting that one too after we logged out.
2011-05-31: upload -C$10, decoration fund for Maggie -C$600
Avination stats:
2011-06-01 04:16 UTC, 30,454 residents, 7,707 in 30d, 1,040 sims
2011-05-31: upload -C$10, decoration fund for Maggie -C$600
Avination stats:
2011-06-01 04:16 UTC, 30,454 residents, 7,707 in 30d, 1,040 sims
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