torsdag 16 juni 2011

More toys finished

Tuesday morning, I sneaked into Second Life, to rezz a couple of creations I made there and refresh my memory on how they were created. I made new versions, not identical but hopefully improved, of a whipping machine and a cell for the dungeon, and also got the scripts in the whipping machine working after some tweaking. When Maggie showed up, we spent the time just chatting about things in general.

Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, I was occupied real-life, and couldn't come to Avination. Wednesday evening, I found time to finish a few of the cages as well, while Maggie was busy prettifying the sim. This morning, Maggie and me just chatted some. In the evening, Lena was there, and we chatted some, the three of us. After Lena left, Maggie and I just relaxed some together before bedtime.

I also found some time to start a project of mapping Avination, more in economic terms than geographical. I managed to track some 97% of the sims in Avination through the map interface offered, getting a clue of distribution and ownership for them. Some 80% of them are located within 100 "squares" from the grid center at position X=1000, Y=1000. There is one really big land owner, and then a handful of semi-big ones, but most of the sims are owned by people who only have one or two sims. I'll add more as I find time to analyse the data better, and present it in a good way.

2011-06-13: upload -C$40
2011-06-14: upload -C$10
2011-06-15: upload -C$30
Avination stats:
2011-06-14 04:16 UTC, 31,849 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-15 04:17 UTC, 32,013 residents, 7,355 in 30d, 1,003 sims
2011-06-16 04:17 UTC, 32,175 residents, 7,348 in 30d, 1,003 sims

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