lördag 9 april 2011

More railroading and politics

It seems trad's railroad is attracting some attention, and I'm happy for that. Today I spent some time creating steam engines to run his track, since his own trams were offline, possibly owing to a sim crash or restart earlier. Even if the engines were of simple design, I'm still rather satisfied with them.

The departure of two major creators and merchants from Avination cause a bit of a stir on the avination blog. I don't know what's behind the exit, but I got the feeling it wasn't handled all that gracefully by Avination management.

What is more disturbing to me is the very vocal and fanatic advocates of Avination that basically keep saying that all who aren't as fanatic about Avination as they are don't have the right spirit and should leave. With the Emerald and RedZone debacles in Second Life in fresh memory, with fanatic supporters of actual real-life criminals running wild, I'd say that kind of "hallelujah" fanatics probably do more to scare people off than detractors and even major players leaving Avination. Some people just refuse to see that Avination isn't all that great yet, even if it has the potential to become so. To keep saying that Avination is great just simply doesn't make it any more so. Recognizing, discussing and working on the problems is a far better way to improve Avination, even if some seem to think that's just bashing Avination unjustly.

2011-04-08: sales +C$40
Avination stats:
2011-04-09 06:57 CET, 24,161 residents, 9,108 in 30d, 1,141 sims

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