This evening, when I checked the mail, I discovered a mail from Avination about the tier for Sweet Retreat being due 5 days ago already. Fortunately, the sim had not been erased, so I paid the tier immediately and hope the sim will remain online. I also know the tier for Sweet Hideout is due in less than a month now. That was all the information I got from Avination so far. Nothing about trad or the manager permissions.
At least it seems like we will be able to save the sims for the time being now. Sweet Hideout is home for Maggie and me, and also many of the other leasers really like the sims, some having their homes in Sweet Retreat, and not just for the low rent they need to pay.
After I were done with trad's business, sending an IM to him with information about the situation, Maggie and I took a look into Sweet Retreat. She hasn't dared go there for a long time, because she has crashed often there before. This time she survived both the visit and the two accompanying sim border crossings forth and back. We spent quite some time relaxing and chatting in the little nature paradise trad created there.
2011-04-24: gift to Maggie -C$25
2011-04-25: sale +C$10
2011-04-26: -
Avination stats:
2011-04-25 10:02 CET, 26,347 residents, 8,626 in 30d, 1,110 sims
2011-04-26 05:41 CET, 26,461 residents, 8,608 in 30d, 1,110 sims
2011-04-27 04:54 CET, 26,597 residents, 8,586 in 30d, 1,115 sims
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