onsdag 23 februari 2011

A calm day in Avination

Today, I spent the morning just chatting with Maid, down in the nice little park by the sea, just behind our new shop. It was kind of romantic, especially with the big crocodile, which once ate Maid for her sitting on him, hissing just behind our backs. She was more or less back into shape again, after the problems she had yesterday.

In the evening, I fixed a simple tree pot for the trees I made yesterday, set it for sale for the usual C$10, and then found some time to work on the stellarium script. I'm really kind of overdoing it for the stellarium alone, but I intend to re-use it for several other items of mine, e.g. to change color of furniture, so I want it to be flexible and easily configurable. Much of the changes I did today was to make it more configurable from a notecard, instead of having to go and change parameters in the code.

I sold two more fountains today (C$20) and after I was done with the script, I had a lazy evening with Maid, both of us playing Zyngo for a bit over an hour (I won C$28). So, basically, I'm better at winning money on Zyngo than I am at earning them by selling my creations. That should tell me something...? On our way home, we ran into the Avination lag variant, me being frozen in place for a few minutes, and Maid walking straight out into eternity, before I teleported her back. I ended the evening with adorning the sign outside our house with a romantic picture of the two of us sitting cuddling at trad's sky bar on top of his tall office building.

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