söndag 27 februari 2011

Problems, problems

I've been too ill to visit Avination during the day, but this evening I spent a couple of hours together with Maggie there. I enjoyed seeing her a lot after the weekend without her. We chatted some, then went freebie-hunting, after which I was beat.

Our landlord trad sent me a notecard that made me jump: "complaint 2". At first I thought my script development had used excessive sim resources or that someone objected to Maggie and me "dumping" prices in our store, but it turned out he just wanted to share his communication with support about the technical problems he had with his sims lately. Despite a lot of fiddling and restarts, they still haven't managed to get the sims running smoothly, but often things rezz very slowly, if at all, avatars get stuck and partly ruthed and undressed, and minimap doesn't work right. Poor trad was really devastated about it, especially since some of his renters seem to have been at him about it and threatening to leave his sims.

Now, I entered Avination fully aware of that it was running on modified pre-alpha or alpha release OpenSimulator software, and I expected some glitches, but have actually seen much fewer of those than I had expected. However, many seem to enter Avination believing they will come to a clone of Second Life, where everything will work exactly as there. Unfortunately, the Avination information is not very good at giving them the correct information in that respect. Also, with the very rapid recent growth of Avination, I suspect they are having extra trouble in scaling their server park to accomodate. I expected that, so I'm not very upset about it, but some seem to be.

I read up some on a thread about Avination at SLUniverse during the day. It was a bit fascinating to see how people are either blindly defending "their" world, be it Second Life, Avination, InWorldz, OSgrid or something else, or doing their best to defame other worlds. I decided to try Avination for a reason, after having read up on the different worlds, and so far, I have gotten what I expected. Avination is in no way flawless, and I understand if those who are expecting an as mature world as Second Life, with identical tech, content, policies and such, will be disappointed. There are things in Avination I would have differently if I had my say, but those things I already knew about before entering the world and had decided were acceptable nonetheless.

2011-02-26: -
Avination stats:
2011-02-27 08:43 CET, 16,173 residents, 3,383 in 30d, 1,067 sims

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