tisdag 5 juli 2011

Pleasure and problems

This morning, Maggie and I stayed in bed chatting and cuddling, mostly about our future and our friends.

In the evening, Maggie was quite distressed, because some of the things she had made yesterday had lost textures, and she had crashed some 10 times before I came. She took me on a little tour to a place with some nice freebies, and then to a place with some freebie fun. It's nice to see that you once in a while find a place, in this case a kind of mall, where people don't follow the cookie cutter concept most places in Avination seems to follow, but dare do some crazy and fun stuff as well.

Things in Avination seems to be deteriorating on many levels at present. The technical problems are far worse than just a few weeks ago, without any apparent reason, and our home sim Sweet Hideout is still off-line, after almost 4 days now, without the slightest response from management or their team. I'm seriously pissed at their arrogance by now, but I will give them a little bit more time to fix it before taking any further actions.

2011-07-04: -
Avination stats:
2011-07-05 04:16 UTC, 33,962 residents, 6,755 in 30d, 972 sims

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