tisdag 31 maj 2011

BDSM devices and railroads

Yesterday, I spent much of my time in Avination trying to straighten out one of my old BDSM devices from Second Life, a kind of Spanish horse. Scripting wasn't really on my side, and when I finally got the scripts working, I discovered the sit animation wobbled. I still havn't managed to track down if that's because of the animation itself or something else. Things do work a bit different in Avination compared to Second Life, so just because something worked flawlessly in Second Life doen't mean it does in Avination. Maggie spent much of her time working on a new carrousel, and prettifying the area with greenery and things.

Today, we spent the morning chatting, and in the evening, after shopping some plants and waves with Maggie, I finally took time to raise a ridge on the BDSM island to make room for Maggie to create a dramatic waterfall, plus increasing the size of a little island she wanted to prettify some. I also started laying out the railroad line around the island, so Maggie will be able to adapt her greenery and decorations from the start, instead of having to remake it later. I got a good start, but still have about half of the main line left to lay out.

2011-05-29: sale +C$10
2011-05-30: upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-05-30 04:16 UTC, 30,241 residents, 7,633 in 30d, 1,041 sims
2011-05-31 04:16 UTC, 30,345 residents, 7,746 in 30d, 1,040 sims

Spanish horse of kind, in the dungeon at the sim BDSM

The sim BDSM, from SW with railroading, landscaping and waterscaping in progress

The pond in the sim BDSM, prettyfied by Maggie

söndag 29 maj 2011

Permission problems

I spent much of the day today trying to fix problems with permissions in Maggie's and mine sim BDSM. I discovered them when I tried to give Lena permissions to build there. It first looked like she couldn't build when she should have been able, but later turned out she could build, even when she wasn't supposed to. In the end, after numerous setting changes and restarts, I submitted a support ticket, without much hope of having the problem solved. Bottom line is, I can't open the sim up to public, before I made sure they can't rezz, build, litter and grief all over the place.

I spent a couple of hours with Lena, first trying to set her up, and then helping her out with a scripting problem she got stuck on. That sure "paid off" fast, because already in the evening, Maggie showed me her latest gift from Lena, including the functionality I helped her with. Lena really is a great designer, and very fast at learning too it seems. Actually, she added at least as much to the solution of the problem today as I did, when we discussed the best way to solve it.

2011-05-28: paid votes +C$14, upload -C$260, contest -C$2
Avination stats:
2011-05-29 04:15 UTC, 30,156 residents, 7,650 in 30d, 1,048 sims

lördag 28 maj 2011

Taking care of friends

This morning, Maggie and I tried to set things up, so that we could let Lena come to our sim. Probably owing to lag of some form, it took time for the required setting changes to come through, but eventually we had it working, using Maggie's old avatar as a "crash test dummy".

Maggie met Lena this afternoon, and invited her to the island. It seems everything went well, and happily accepted Maggie's offer for her to have our island as a home. We both like Lena a lot, so we are happy for that. I hope I can manage to persuade her to start selling her creations as well, and having at least one shop for it on our island, since she's really a good designer.

In the evening, I added a few more information scrolls to the temple library at the island. Then Maggie dragged me off on a free money hunt on some island. After that we returned to our island and tried to set permissions right, to permit Lena to build, but not ordinary visitors and basic group members.It didn't work at all, but it may again have been because of lag. In the end, we gave up and went home to Sweet Hideout to bed, and I restarted both BDSM, Sweet Hideout and Sweet Retreat, hoping that would solve the permission issues on BDSM.

2011-05-27: bird bath -C$200
Avination stats:
2011-05-28 04:18 UTC, 30,077 residents, 7,698 in 30d, 1,051 sims

fredag 27 maj 2011

Shopping decorations

In the morning, Maggie and I went to look for dolphins, since she very much wanted some of those around our island. We didn't find any we were really happy with, but she wound up with a swan and duck instead, and we know where we'll probably buy dolphins if we don't find anything better.

In the evening, I met Maggie and our friend Lena at the creator's expo, plus a German master and slave couple that seemed rather nice. After a few sim restarts and crashes, and some chat, Maggie and I went on to explore the expo area. They had some nice things there, and Maggie bought a bird bath which was very nicely designed. Time ran much too fast as usual though, so we broke off to go home and to bed, and hope to continue our exploration tomorrow.

2011-05-26: clothes -C$50
Avination stats:
2011-05-27 04:18 UTC, 29,993 residents, 7,744 in 30d, 1,054 sims

torsdag 26 maj 2011

Railroading polishing

This morning, Maggie and I spent mainly testing Avination performance and chatting. Yesterday's bliss was gone, and Maggie crashed at least as much as usual, if not more even. Performance for long-time no-idle scripts remains up though, compared to what it has been over the last month or so.

In the evening, I spent quite a lot of time fixing up appearance of my railroad templates, and calculating and trying out track geometries, and how to let the track follow the ground better, rather than having to build a lot of bridges and remodel topography a lot. I also think I have some ideas on how to fix the "engine" script to make it more stable and last longer. Maggie and I also went to check out a clothing sale, but they didn't have very much, and when we were to unpack things, several things either couldn't be unpacked, or turned out to be flawed.

2011-05-25: upload -C$40
Avination stats:
2011-05-26 04:18 UTC, 29,911 residents, 7,806 in 30d, 1,060 sims

Railroad test around the castle sketch in the sim BDSM

Railroad test around the castle sketch in the sim BDSM

Railroad test around the castle sketch in the sim BDSM

onsdag 25 maj 2011

Ups and downs of Avination

This morning, Maggie and I checked up some performance parameters after yesterday's "improvement" roll-out. Yes, I am skeptic about such, after previous experiences of what Avination management has rolled out. This time, two of the paremeters I use to check was much improved though. The simple train I set up in Sweet Hideout managed to make a couple of dozens of full rounds without freezing up, before finally crashing both itself and me riding it. For the last month or so, it has frozen in place for 30-120 seconds several times per 8 minute turn. Also, Maggie was able to ride 4 full turns with it, without crashing, before she had to leave for real-life. That's also a first for the last month or so.

However, it's hard to tell how much is the server software fixes, how much is the almost simultaneous server park maintenance, and how much is simply thorough purging and cleaning from the total and repeated restarts. I guess the future will tell if those improvements are temporary or not. Also, in the morning, there was severe server lag for a while in Sweet Hideout, possibly connected to a couple of visitors since it seemed to disappear with them, and in the evening, while working in our sim BDSM, I noticed far more spurts of server lag than I have before. I guess I'll have to wait some to see if that's a temporary or permanent condition as well.

I spent the evening trying to correct sit targets in some items I rebuilt from prototypes I originally made in Second Life. Having one item with 63 different animations, each with its individual sit target adapting to avatar size, it took a damn lot of time and effort. The reason is some clever fellow obviously decided OpenSim worlds like Avination shouldn't use the same internal avatar sit target as Second Life. Also, scripts seem to work a bit different between Second Life and Avination when it comes to handling sits/unsits in general, as I already discovered with that should-be simple sit-teleport script I had to work out a special solution for OpenSim/Avination with. Even after properly seated, an avatar can slide some sideways on the sit target, which is a major nuisance if the items are designed for precise seating.

I fully understand now why designers and manufacturers of more advanced, complex and functional furniture and devices in Second Life stay the hell out of OpenSim worlds like Avination, as long as those worlds only offer maybe 1% of the Second Life customer base but demands almost as much work, with no guarantee of the device ever working equally well or the world even surviving until they have a chance to break even.

2011-05-24: upload -C$50
Avination stats:
2011-05-25 04:15 UTC, 29,840 residents, 7,867 in 30d, 1,059 sims

tisdag 24 maj 2011


This morning, Maggie and I tried to check out some performance problems with our sim BDSM, and I tried to set her up as estate manager, for her to be able to handle some things when I'm not around. Neither went all that well, but at least a restart of the sim revealed some lost ghost prims that probably at least didn't improve the performance of the sim.

In the evening, Maggie's estate manager status had finally been recognized, and we spent much of the evening building, she on her house, and me on some track templates for the railroad I may set up for fun and sight-seeing tours in the sim. I also helped her out with a few tips to remove "tipsyness" from her house. That is, while we didn't have to dodge sim and grid restarts.

AVN management was rolling out some "improvements" this evening. I'll wait with believing it until I've seen the actual effects of those "improvements". The last batch of them caused a whole series of emergency updates and restarts, followed by the still continuing troubles with login outages and very poor grid performance and stability. And the time before that, they deliberately throttled the performance down so that rezzing after arrival to a new place took forever.

2011-05-23: upload -C$540
Avination stats:
2011-05-24 04:15 UTC, 29,712 residents, 7,855 in 30d, 1,059 sims

måndag 23 maj 2011

Real-life obstacles and Avination policies

Owing to a severe cold, I really wasn't up to much this evening. Maggie was a bit late, so while I waited, I managed to upload and install some of the information, in the shape of in-world readable scrolls, from my old place in Second Life. When Maggie came, we discussed some, and then she tried my bondage stake. I will really need to go through and adjust a lot of the poses in it, since they're way off here in Avination compared to Second Life. After a while, I felt I was drained from energy, and I had to excuse myself to make an early night and try to get some extra sleep.

When I was uploading the animations for my bondage stake yesterday, and also when I uploaded images for my scroll readers today, I was thinking about how blissfully unaware the Avination management seems to be about how their policies and favours basically tells the ones not enjoying them to go take a hike. The policy with free uploads for "recognized creators" really tell the new up and coming ones they're not worth anything. The strong focus on merchants, with weekly merchant meetings, tells the rest, including the merchants' would-be customers, they're not really part of Avination or very important. The use of voice at official meetings tells those with e.g. hearing impairments and language problems to get lost. The attempt with severe throttling of rezzing, to benefit the 1-2% of the sim owners who run venues with many simultaneous arrivals, told the 98-99% of the sim owners who don't to go fuck themselves. The regulations of freebies, and the utterly insensitive way of presenting that policy, tells all those who are sane enough not to want to start spending money right away in a new and untested virtual world, which is really just another one of so many, they may as well turn in the door and leave.

The sheer ignorance and lack of respect shown with those policies, really makes it no wonder Avination keeps spinning closer and closer to the drain. Even if the technical problems will eventually be solved, I think it will still take very hard work and probably a large dose of humility from the Avination management, to repair the damage they've done and trust they've lost with their past, present and would-be users from the way they have been and keep treating them.

2011-05-22: upload -C$670
Avination stats:
2011-05-23 04:15 UTC, 29,599 residents, 7,882 in 30d, 1,064 sims

Scroll readers in the temple library in the sim BDSM

A sketch for a future castle in the sim BDSM

A design sample of a future railroad in the sim BDSM

söndag 22 maj 2011

Amphitheatre done, dungeon in progress

Maggie and I've spent much of what time we've been in Avination during the weekend building on our island. Maggie finished a nice little house, and worked some more on her park and decorations. I helped her out some with a door script in the end.

I spent Friday finishing the amphitheatre next to the temple with 120 seats. This is really a bit overkill, since the sim hardly can take more than 40 or 60 persons, but it looks nice.

Saturday, I prepared the dungeon under the temple, building a maze and some cells. I also managed to make a fully working "sit teleporter", which unsits you automatically at destination. It took a little trick that I think few are aware of is needed in OpenSim, but that I discovered when I investigated some performance problems with my scripts in Sweet Hideout.

Today, I re-created a couple of my interactive interactive items from Second Life: my bondage stake with 63 home-made animations, and my scroll reader, to display information in style in-world. I will probably need to adjust the bondage stake some, because it seems avatar geometry differs some between Second Life and OpenSim, so some poses ends up a bit off.

I was glad to see Maggie's and my friend Lena back online this weekend. She has been missing during the week, and I was worried she had left like so many others seem to do. But it seems like she just had a very busy week real-life, so she hadn't have time to log into Avination.

Performance in Avination actually seems to have improved a bit, compared to a week back, but Saturday, there were two login outages again, accompanied by freezing in-world, teleports and IM's between sims not working, friend's lists and statuses being inconsistent, scripts stopping, builds breaking and general fuck-up. Both Maggie and me has been ejected from sims without warning, including our own, a number of times, indicating crashes or restarts.

All the curves describing economics in Avination are still pointing downwards, save for the number of total accounts created, that quite naturally will never decrease. But usage hours are decreasing in a tempo that indicates Avination will be empty in 3 months, the number of sims have decreased by 31 in just a week, and the number of unique users the last 30 days is accelerating downwards again, having decreased by 9% in the last 4 weeks.

2011-05-19: -
2011-05-20: upload -C$10
2011-05-21: upload -C$80
Avination stats:
2011-05-20 04:14 UTC, 29,299 residents, 7,968 in 30d, 1,068 sims
2011-05-21 04:15 UTC, 29,389 residents, 7,918 in 30d, 1,064 sims
2011-05-22 04:15 UTC, 29,481 residents, 7,877 in 30d, 1,059 sims

The temple with the finished amphitheatre in the sim BDSM

The dungeon under the temple in the sim BDSM

Maggie's house in the sim BDSM

torsdag 19 maj 2011

Building a temple environment

This morning, Maggie and I took a break from the building, and just cuddled in bed and played some. In the evening, we resumed building. Maggie built a fantasy elfish kind of rocking chair, and also tried to build an ant hill with crawling ants. She wasn't satisfied with the results, but I didn't really have the time and urge to try and teach her how to do it after yesterday's mess. One more mess like that within a short time, and I would be really upset with her.

I continued to build around the temple. Monumental stairs to the temple platform, a pond next to the temple, and the beginning of an amphitheatre on the opposite side of it. I also prepared seats with sitting scripts for the amphitheatre, and to make the large area under the temple platform useful.

2011-05-18: upload -C$50
Avination stats:
2011-05-19 04:14 UTC, 29,193 residents, 7,969 in 30d, 1,073 sims

Temple in the sim BDSM, from NE with the beginning of the amphitheatre

Temple in the sim BDSM, from SW with the pond

Me and Maggie before the temple in the sim BDSM

onsdag 18 maj 2011

Building a temple

Today Maggie and me spent most of our time building on our island in Avination. I got the main exterior of the temple finished, including columns, entablement, roof, corner stones with fire bowls, and torches inside the cella. Maggie improved her park area some in the morning, and went freebie shopping for a short while in the evening.

The fire bowls included my old fire animation from Second Life, which has been with me from my first months there, and used in one way or another in almost every major build I've made. I wanted to teach Maggie how to create such a fire as well, but like so many times before, she rushed off from my instructions and messed things up so I finally lost my patience and decided not to waste time on it anymore. Instead I kept working on the temple, while she built a neat erotic toy to try and sooth me. I liked it, but I can't help but being disappointed with how she messes up things again and again by her restlessness.

While our new sim BDSM behaved nicely while we were there, Sweet Hideout was very slow when we got back there in the evening, so I restarted it and Sweet Retreat before going to bed.

2011-05-17: upload -C$50
Avination stats:
2011-05-18 04:16 UTC, 29,063 residents, 8,005 in 30d, 1,084 sims

Temple in the sim BDSM, from SW

Temple in the sim BDSM, from W with Maggie's peacocks

Temple in the sim BDSM, interior

tisdag 17 maj 2011

Sim building

Both this morning and evening, Maggie and I started to build at our sim BDSM. In the evening, Maggie was out hunting freebies before I came, and called me to collect a free hair. While I was busy building a replica of my old Greek, Doric temple, intended as a library, Maggie created a lovely little garden on a peninsula, with a little stream surrounded by trees, other plants, and some nice freebie decorations and furniture. I still have only got the basics done on the Temple, but I'm in no real hurry, and i needed to help Maggie out some and inspect her nice build as well.

Even if Maggie still has got problems with crashing, especially close to water, it seems from my surveyying that Avination has become a bit more stable in the last two days. If the issues are solved, or if the Avination support just has become faster at fixing the problems, I'm not sure of. My probe also saw some strangeness this morning, with sim number plunging by some 30 at the time Avination usually cleans out sims, just to be restored to almost the previous value a little bit later.

2011-05-15: -
2011-05-16: group creation -C$250
Avination stats:
2011-05-16 04:15 UTC, 28,853 residents, 8,029 in 30d, 1,078 sims
2011-05-17 04:15 UTC, 28,945 residents, 8,023 in 30d, 1,081 sims

måndag 16 maj 2011

First own sim in Avination

After having discussed things thoroughly with Maggie, looked at possible locations and their possibilities, and at different default island shapes, we agreed on a setup we both liked. So, I bought us our first own sim in Avination this evening. It's a nice and hilly island with curvy waterline with several bays and peninsulas. The location is right next to the Welcome island.

Maggie was more or less standing jumping up and down from frustration while I tried to set it up so we could both be there while the island was still private. The grid suddenly freezing up for both me and her didn't make things one bit easier. Finally I had it all right, including a matching group for the island management, so we could look around the island together. I liked it, and Maggie really fell in love with it. While looking around, I also tested Maggie's crashing some, and finally came up with something that at least seems to reduce her crashing a lot.

After Maggie and I had parted for the night, I couldn't help but logging back in and take some snapshots of our island, and setting up my favourite web radio as music stream from my old sim in Second Life.

söndag 15 maj 2011

Roller-coaster in Avination

No, unfortunately the title doesn't imply any amusement park. I had a clash with Avination management today, after being falsely accused of breaking my word and the appointment Friday (my interpretation even if the accuser claims it wasn't meant that way). I could say a lot of nasty things, but I'll try not to, and just conclude that I have "differences" with the "A-team" about what went down. Maggie did her best to calm and comfort me, but I guess I really was no fun to be around tonight.

I was cheered up a little by the very nice gift we received from our friend Lena though. Maggie happened to mention to her yesterday that she missed her blindfolds from SL, and Lena had created one seemingly simple but very nicely designed and with several different functions for her today already. Both Maggie and I enjoyed trying it out a lot. So that was the first down and up of the roller-coaster in Avination.

The second part of it is unfortunately still mainly downs. I'm talking Avination performance and user statistics. The login outages continues, even if it seems Avination support has become slightly faster at restoring them now. At least there's been no 4-hour outage since Thursday, but both Friday and Saturday were spiked with many shorter ones, and there's been at least one more severe today as well. One little up has been that OpenSim developer Diva seems to have found a fix for the IM's and group notices that have gone missing while off-line, and that Avination seems to have implemented that now. At least I found a lot of those messages waiting when I logged in today.

Usage is dropping steadily though, and has by some 20-25% since the middle of Mars. The long term trend (28 days linear extrapolation) of unique users in the last 30 days indicates that Avination could be an empty ghost world by 2011-12-21, while the short term trend (7 days linear extrapolation) of usage per day indicates this can happen by 2011-07-15 already. The number of sims is also the lowest since the beginning of Mars, with 1090 sims this morning, compared to its peak of 1162 sims in the morning of 2011-03-12, a decrease by 6%. I really hope these trends will turn up soon again, but they have been declining for more than two months now, and seem to be accelerating downwards rather than slowing down.

So, those are the one and a half downs-and-ups of the Avination roller-coaster for today.

2011-05-13: -
2011-05-14: -
Avination stats:
2011-05-14 06:14 CET, 28,630 residents, 8,021 in 30d, 1,105 sims
2011-05-15 06:15 CET, 28,747 residents, 8,009 in 30d, 1,090 sims

fredag 13 maj 2011

Avination trouble and nice places

I was contacted by the Avination spokesperson Helen yesterday, regarding my postings on the Avination forum about the problems and decreasing usage in Avination at present. She said she and the Avination owner Melanie wanted to chat with me about some of my suggestions. It was OK with me, so we agreed on setting up a meeting this evening.

Helen never got in touch today, and in a way I'm not surprised. My trust in the Avination team isn't the best after their previous "accomplishments", so keeping appointments, or at least message to cancel them, is probably way beyond what can be expected from them. Also, I suppose 2-3 login outages during the day may have been enough to distract them. So, instead Maggie and me spent the evening at a beautiful Greek island, which the creators really had made something great with.

2011-05-11: rent -C$480
2011-05-12: -
Avination stats:
2011-05-12 06:33 CET, 28,426 residents, 8,100 in 30d, 1,110 sims
2011-05-13 06:09 CET, 28,539 residents, 8,066 in 30d, 1,111 sims

onsdag 11 maj 2011


Maggie and I have spent quite a lot of time chatting and trying out the erotic toys our friend Lena gave us. Today, Maggie received new and improved versions of them, so we ended up in bed all evening. Even if I helped Lena quite a bit with her scripting, I didn't expect any pay-back for it, but she's almost overwhelmed us with her generosity. Lena's a very talented designer, and is learning to script with amazing speed. I've also learned more than a little from her about RLV scripting. Maggie really likes and cares about her a lot, which is a bit rare from Maggie towards other girls, and I'm glad they seem to get along so well.

2011-05-09: sales +C$10
2011-05-10: -
Avination stats:
2011-05-10 05:59 CET, 28,206 residents, 8,133 in 30d, 1,117 sims
2011-05-11 06:01 CET, 28,325 residents, 8,117 in 30d, 1,114 sims

måndag 9 maj 2011

Gifts and planning

Lately, Maggie has gotten a couple of very nice gifts that our friend Lena has created, and I helped some with scripting. They are for erotic role-play, and today we finally found time to try them out properly. They really added some to our interaction, and Maggie really likes them too, both the design and the functions.

Before playing, we also discussed some of the implications with getting our own sim, and e.g. where to place it in this world. Fortunately, we both agreed on the best way to go about it, but I still want some more time to think it through thoroughly.

Unfortunately, most statistics about Avination, that I've collected since February, points to that it loses both sims, activities and people. Many who have been here more or less from the start seems to have had enough and sold, abandoned or cancelled their sims before leaving Avination themselves. Some announce it publicly, other just leave quietly. I feel unsure about investing money, and even more a lot of time and efforts, into Avination under those circumstances, but at the same time I have a strong urge to really get started with creating something more permanent.

2011-05-07: clothes -C$425
2011-05-08: -
Avination stats:
2011-05-08 09:45 CET, 27,947 residents, 8,182 in 30d, 1,111 sims
2011-05-09 06:01 CET, 28,077 residents, 8,175 in 30d, 1,116 sims

lördag 7 maj 2011

Planning and shopping

Yesterday I sketched to Maggie how I wanted to proceed with an own sim in Avination, and after thinking about it, she was all for it. Before I came, she also met the girl that I've helped some with scripting, Lena, and they had a little chat. Maggie and me then spent the morning shopping clothes, dress shirts, ties and trousers for me, and a nice gown withh a bit extreme high heels for Maggie.

In the evening, we took a train ride talking some more, and then went hunting for a ballroom to show off Maggie's new gown in. There seemed to be non with anything scheduled though, and teleports kept failing, timing out or crashing. Maggie found a sim with a nice but raunchy clothes shop and some beautiful art though, so despite we missed our ballroom dancing, we still had a nice time together.

2011-05-06: tip -C$100
Avination stats:
2011-05-07 10:15 CET, 27,854 residents, 8,224 in 30d, 1,116 sims

fredag 6 maj 2011

New toys and dancing

Yesterday, Maggie got a new toy from a girl I helped some with her LSL scripting, Lena. The toy was a RLV bracelet, permitting the wearer to be made helpless and toyed with. Even if there were a few things not working initially, we straightened them out, and Maggie said she was real happy that she could be restricted by me.

This morning, I found out that Xcite!, the creator of the most spread erotic interaction system in SL, had finally opened up in Avination as well. I have had creating a similar system specific for Avination my major pass time for about a month now, but now that Xcite! is here, I guess there's not much call for it any longer. It was a fun scripting exercise though, and I learned a lot from it, so the effort is on no way wasted.

In the evening, Maggie and I discussed some about our future and an own sim in Avination. We also checked up on some landmarks we got, and in the end, we danced the night away, in tux and gown, to a live performer at a ball room. Even if there were just some 10-11 people attending, that's still some 4% of the 260 logged in at that time. Not bad, and a nice finish of our evening.

2011-05-04: sale +C$10, upload -C$10
2011-05-05: sale +C$10, upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-05-05 05:59 CET, 27,580 residents, 8,230 in 30d, 1,117 sims
2011-05-06 05:56 CET, 27,705 residents, 8,211 in 30d, 1,114 sims

onsdag 4 maj 2011

Childhood talk

Today, Maggie and I spent both morning and evening cuddling in bed and chatting. We talked a lot about how our backgrounds have made us into the ones we are, and also how similar experiences probably have made us as close as we are now. So, nothing to report from our adventures in Avination today, really.

2011-05-03: sale +C$10, upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-05-04 06:10 CET, 27,466 residents, 8,240 in 30d, 1,114 sims

tisdag 3 maj 2011


I've been sleeping too little lately, and today I really felt off. I spent the morning talking with Maggie in bed, and in the evening we went to check out a new club where one of our friend work. We got some nice pictures of us cuddling on the beach there, but owing to an Avination bug, Maggie couldn't give me her pictures full perms, because they changed perms on the way from her inventory to mine. Tired as I am now, I can get damn frustrated on all those things that don't work as they're supposed to in Avination, even such small things.

2011-05-02: -
Avination stats:
2011-05-03 06:10 CET, 27,336 residents, 8,270 in 30d, 1,115 sims

måndag 2 maj 2011

Lovely garden

This morning, Maggie was nervous about a real-life doctor's appointment, so we stayed cuddling and chatting in bed in Avination, which helped her relax some.

In the evening, Maggie found us a very nice garden double sim, with very many plants, buildings and fences for sale. I think we both got inspired, and discussed our own future sim quite a lot while we looked around. Many of the things we saw may rather become inspiration than something we really buy there, even if most of the prices were good as well. But we both enjoy to create, so even if it would be more cost efficient to buy, we may make our own versions just for the fun of it.

2011-05-01: bath tub -C$50
Avination stats:
2011-05-02 06:15 CET, 27,227 residents, 8,317 in 30d, 1,107 sims

söndag 1 maj 2011

Voice chatting

This morning, Maggie and I met just briefly, and talked some about the problems she ran into with her RLV. Basically, she needs to restructure her entire inventory for it to work properly, and i know from Second Life how much she dislikes that.

I spent some of the day scripting some for the RLV functionality, trying to build a basic platform to make it simple to plug in new functions. The scripting in itself is rather simple, but I'm a bit unfamilliar with the syntax of RLV, and have lots to learn there.

In the evening, the entire Avination went down for almost an hour. Maggie and I went on Skype instead, and continued there after Avination was up again. It was a bit strange but nice feeling to be able to talk normally while we were looking around Avination. We bought a few simple and cheap but nice things, like a couple rocking chair and a couple bath tub, at a "medieval" shop, even if it was almost exclusively renaissance and rokoko rather than medieval.

2011-04-30: skin, face, hair and complete avatar -C$328
Avination stats:
2011-05-01 09:25 CET, 27,106 residents, 8,317 in 30d, 1,111 sims