måndag 27 juni 2011

Damage control

Nothing much has really happened the last couple of days, because RL things has stolen much time and energy, and things around Avination has stolen most of the rest.

Today at least the resolution of Avination management's utterly stupid decision to hire a blackhat developer seems to have begun. They say he's entirely off the project, and that all of his contributions will be publicly reviewed by a semi-external, well-known and reputed developer. It's a start at least, but the question is if they can ever repair the damage they've done to Avination and their own credibility. The saddest part is, they don't even seem to realize how wrong and damaging their decisions and actions have been.

2011-06-25: -
2011-06-26: tips -C$600
Avination stats:
2011-06-26 04:15 UTC, 33,270 residents, 7,169 in 30d, 982 sims
2011-06-27 04:16 UTC, 33,349 residents, 7,166 in 30d, 979 sims

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