söndag 12 juni 2011


I haven't been in the mood to do much in Avination lately, owing to real life happenings. What time I've spent there, I've mainly spent with Maggie chatting and playing, and almost nothing on building. I managed to create a simple show sailing boat, and also help Maggie some with a couple of her projects.

I guess part of it is that I'm becoming more and more hesitant to if Avination will survive even until the end of this year, looking at the development of the economic data for it. That makes it hard to motivate spending a lot of time creating things that will be of no good in the end. Hopefully it's just part of my general down mood at present though.

2011-06-09: tier -C$600
2011-06-10: -
2011-06-11: upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-06-10 04:15 UTC, 31,408 residents, 7,461 in 30d, 1,010 sims
2011-06-11 04:15 UTC, 31,497 residents, 7,399 in 30d, 1,007 sims
2011-06-12 04:15 UTC, 31,576 residents, 7,352 in 30d, 1,010 sims

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