onsdag 22 juni 2011

Whistles and bells

Yesterday, Maggie and me lay cuddling and playing some in bed in the morning. In the evening, I logged into Second Life for the first time in weeks, to check some of my creations there to try and re-create them in Avination. I got the prim part of them done, even if it took a while longer than planned, owing to a dear friend keeping me.

This morning, Maggie and me chatted about various things in the morning. In the evening, I finalized my old creations from Second Life regarding scripts and animations as well, while Maggie played around some with a sky box I created for her, creating an astounding atmosphere there. I think I'm about done with the dungeon part for now, after placing my "new" devices in the cells and common play area there. It looks pretty well equipped, and I hope people will find it exciting enough to try a few things out there, once we open the sim to public.

Today I also found out Avination released a new version of the viewer. The first comments about it was overwhelmingly positive, even if a few bugs were found as well. Looking at the release notes, it seems to be mostly whistles and bells though, and not so much really improved functionality. Also, considering the track record of the creator of it, concerning griefing, copybot building, spyware, stalking and harassment, I'm afraid the new version and future versions of the viewer are dead to me. In the end it will probably mean me giving up Avination as well, since I guess the old viewer I'm using now will become impossible to use as development proceeds on viewer and servers in parallel.

I have commitments in Avination until the end of August though, so unless things deteriorate too much inworld, I'll try and hang on until then. I've already talked with Maggie about the turn things have taken, and I think she will be OK if we leave Avination for some other virtual world. Considering the options, it looks like the only realistic alternative for me now will be to swallow my pride and crawl back to Second Life if so.

2011-06-20: -
2011-06-21: uploads -C$70
Avination stats:
2011-06-21 04:14 UTC, 32,869 residents, 7,382 in 30d, 1,000 sims
2011-06-22 04:14 UTC, 32,945 residents, 7,337 in 30d, 995 sims

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