söndag 19 juni 2011

A huge lighthouse

To keep things simple with Maggie's helicopter circling the BDSM island, I built a tower in Doric style this morning, as a kind of "station" at altitude for it. In the afternoon, I modified it some, and added a large fire bowl on its top, making it kind of an ancient lighthouse. The view from there, as well as from the circling helicopters, is great, and I think that it can become a popular attraction on the island. I also cleaned up some in the dungeon, added the new dildo pole I finished yesterday to all the cells and the common dungeon area as well, and added image holders both to the tower and in the to-be art maze.

Later in the evening, Maggie brought me to a place selling houses, garden furniture and full set pools. She was much after the pool furniture, but was almost jumping up and down from wanting the pool itself. I have already been planning for a pool at the to-be club area, but these pools were large. However, if they're mod as it says, I should be able to fix both its size and its looks, to make it fit and blend in better in the environment. We will wait with buying until tomorrow though, to melt and ponder some on it.

2011-06-18: uploads -C$550
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2011-06-19 04:14 UTC, 32,633 residents, 7,397 in 30d, 1,006 sims

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