torsdag 31 mars 2011

Maggie's computer seriously ill

Today Maggie got news that her computer is so bad off, they can't repair it at the shop, but need to ship it back to the manufacturer. That means it won't be until at earliest some time next week we can meet in Avination again. Having finalized my scripting project as far as it goes without Maggie's help, I really feel no motivation to enter Avination alone at present. Maybe if some of the new scripting and content ideas I have take more firm shape, I can indulge in those in-world, but not at present. So, no Avination tonight.

2011-03-30: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-31 06:38 CET, 22,801 residents, 9,659 in 30d, 1,133 sims

onsdag 30 mars 2011

Do it again and do it right

The night before today, and this evening, I rebuilt much of the basic script to increase security against spoofing, griefing and spam attacks against it. In case the project becomes popular, there will always be people eager to mess with others using it, so I thought I might as well try to stop it from the beginning.

Maggie is still without her computer, so I've been alone in Avination for 5 days now, not even leaving our house but just working on the scripting project. I really do need her back, so I get some kind of life there again.

2011-03-29: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-30 08:58 CET, 22,496 residents, 9,521 in 30d, 1,131 sims

tisdag 29 mars 2011

More scripting changes and additions

Still no Maggie in-world, and even if we keep the contact off-world, I still miss her. Yesterday morning, I slept so long that I never visited Avination at all, and in the evening I worked until very late on my scripting project. The theme of the evening was first KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, and I simplified a few scripts, plus added a new major functionality, with a two (effective) line script plugging into the API I added to the system! I'm beginning to think the basic architecture of the system is pretty good now, when it's so easy to add totally new functionality.

2011-03-28: uploads -C$20
Avination stats:
2011-03-29 07:38 CET, 22,318 residents, 9,363 in 30d, 1,134 sims

måndag 28 mars 2011

Small adjustments and struggle with permissions

This morning and evening, Maggie's computer was still out of order so she couldn't visit Avination. I spent some time on making a few "final" adjustments to my scripting project, and then started trying to box it up for sale. That boxing wasn't the easiest, when I had to get the permissions on all the individual parts right. It's been bad enough with complex things in Second Life, where the permission system works, and here in Avination, where it's seriously flawed, it's even worse. But I think I managed in the end, even if I need to beta test that with Maggie when she gets back.

2011-03-27: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-28 06:52 CET, 22,154 residents, 9,189 in 30d, 1,131 sims

söndag 27 mars 2011

Scripting and finalizing

Today I spent all my time in Avination scripting. Through a real sprint I think I finalized my scripting project, but I need to test it, so I'll wait for Maggie to have her computer repaired so she can return. In the end, the project turned out a lot better than I ever thought from the beginning, and I added quite a lot of value to the original idea. If I'm to commercialize the project, I think my main problem actually is what price I should charge for the items. I know it's damn good, but the question is if others agree enough to pay a good price for it.

2011-03-26: uploads -C$110
Avination stats:
2011-03-27 09:04 CET, 21,967 residents, 9,289 in 30d, 1,133 sims

lördag 26 mars 2011


I missed Maggie Friday morning because I slept long, and in the evening her computer broke down. She won't be able to come to Avination again until at earliest some time next week, and I miss her much.

I've spent what time I've had online the last couple of days with my scripting project, today adding some physical parts of it, including sculpt maps and sounds. The core of it is done now, but I've added an API to it, for others to be able to script it, and that part still may need some tweaking, and some simple sample applications to demonstrate how it can be used. I get the feeling this can become something really good and appreciated.

The growth of Avination has slowed down substantially the last week, and the number of sims have even decreased since its peak 2 weeks ago. The number of unique visitors over the last 30 days have decreased officially now, even if it's probably been decreasing before, but hidden by the fact that the counter for it was reset a bit over a month back, so the count hasn't been comparable for a full 30 days until the last few days.

My impression is that the in-world stability has improved some, and the new PR manager for Avination probably means a lot to improve the general impression. However, considering how customer relations were mis-managed before, I'm not surprised that Avination still seems to suffer from it. It will most probably still take quite some time to repair the damage done with all the upset and disappointed customers having left Avination and not making any good PR for it after the mess up until a week ago or so.

It simply doesn't work out to present Avination as a second Second Life and then scorn disappointed people for believing it, and Avination still hasn't corrected that part of their PR yet.

2011-03-24: sale +C$10
2011-03-25: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-25 07:50 CET, 21,682 residents, 9,498 in 30d, 1,126 sims
2011-03-26 07:18 CET, 21,824 residents, 9,398 in 30d, 1,130 sims

torsdag 24 mars 2011

Talk and dancing

I didn't see Maggie this morning, but I found time to work some more on my present scripting project. It's nearing to be finished now, and I must admit I'm a bit nervous about what others will think about it.

Maggie is more nervous about our upcoming real-life meet, and is trying so hard to make everything perfect, perhaps a bit too much so. I mean, it's not like I'm any stranger she needs to make an impression on. We spent the evening at Avination's Welcome, chatting and trying out some dance balls they have there. Then we made company home and went to virtual sleep embracing eachother in our bed there as we signed off.

2011-03-23: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-24 06:57 CET, 21,517 residents, 9,546 in 30d, 1,130 sims

onsdag 23 mars 2011

Real-life plans and scripting

Maggie and I met briefly this morning, and then for an hour or so this evening. We spent most of the time talking about our real-life meet, which will take place in a few weeks from now. I had some time alone before she came as well, and spent it scripting, improving and adding some more to my little project. The evening ended in true Avination style, with another little glitch that throw us both off the sim and Avination.

2011-03-22: eyes -C$50, upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-23 06:50 CET, 21,366 residents, 9,396 in 30d, 1,133 sims

tisdag 22 mars 2011

RL cross over

I only met Maggie to say hello and good bye this morning, but I again had some time to work on my main scripting project. This evening, I think I had the script more or less done, and Maggie got to play the guinea pig for it. We both agree on that it should have some commercial potential, so I started on a manual on how to use it, and we discussed some PR strategies. Unfortunately, I really suck at making PR, especially for myself, but we'll see what comes out of it. We spent some time looking for more assets for me, and I ended up with buying a set of eyes, since the ones I created myself so often are corrupt and "blind".

We also discussed a RL meeting in the near future. It's been up before, but now it's becoming more concrete, since I contacted a travel agency and got a number of good offers from them. We've known each other for so long online now, and already spilled over more than a little into real life with Skype video and such, so I don't see it as any major drama, even if Maggie seems quite nervous about it.

2011-03-21: sales +C$20, upload -C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-22 06:38 CET, 21,207 residents, 9,254 in 30d, 1,137 sims

måndag 21 mars 2011

More scripting

I met Maggie briefly this morning, then had some time so I could refactor the script I'm working on into a better and more stringent structure. In the evening, I had a long chat with Maggie, let her try the script some more, and then continued working on it. I got another major functionality of it working, but will need to refactor that part as well, to make it better structured, more general and maintainable. When I script, I often do like that. First a quick and dirty proof of concept, then a more "beautiful" final version.

I helped Maggie out with a sit positioning for a WC she made, and a lamb shin rug for her bathroom set that I had the texture for and uploaded to Avination. By then it was late, and we were both tired, so we headed for bed.

2011-03-20: sales +C$100
Avination stats:
2011-03-21 06:30 CET, 21,057 residents, 9,092 in 30d, 1,133 sims

söndag 20 mars 2011

Scripting results

Today, I started to see a working prototype for a scripting project I've been pondering on since I came to Avination, and which I started working on yesterday. I guess I wasn't all that much fun for Maggie when I focused on it the way I did, but she used the time building some very nice bath room utilities instead. She also seemed to really enjoy my little scripted device when I let her try it. There still are some more work to be done on it before I consider it ready for sale though.

This evening, we spent much of it with our neighbor and clothing designer Rosie. Maggie showed her some of her things, and Rosie bought some of our decor stuff for her home. She showed me her home as well, a rustic house with tasteful interior decoration in the neighboring sim. I crashed when TPing there, and when trying to fly back after the visit, but as soon as I logged on again, the problem was solved. I was tired after having worked RL as well, so I made an early evening, while Maggie stayed on for a while longer.

2011-03-19: bed -C$599, boots -C$245, suit -C$450
Avination stats:
2011-03-20 07:43 CET, 20,868 residents, 8,900 in 30d, 1,133 sims

lördag 19 mars 2011

Major shopping

Both this morning and evening, Maggie and I went shopping. In a way I guess it's a kind of confirmation that we really intend to make Avination our new home. I'm still not certain if Avination will manage to sort out all their present technical problems, but at least I hope.

In the morning, we bought a multi-pose bed for our little house, with both relax, cuddle and sex poses. In the afternoon, we tried it out some... Later in the evening, we went clothes shopping for me. Maggie immediately, by chance or instinct, found a new store with shoes I liked, something I've had major difficulties with before, since I'm a bit picky. In another store, I bought a 8 piece suit, after some discussion with Maggie about colors and such. She also, as a gift, bought me a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, also after some discussion about models and colors regarding the polo shirt. After that, it was late and time for bed, for the first night in our new bed.

Avination still have problems with rezzing shapes, skins and textures, but it actually seems to have improved a little over the last week. Unfortunately Maggie seems to be crashing more now than a couple of weeks ago, but I at least found one more sculpt texture that has been broken for quite some time suddenly becoming correct again.

2011-03-18: sales +C$20, hair -C$300
Avination stats:
2011-03-19 07:36 CET, 20,702 residents, 8,720 in 30d, 1,133 sims

fredag 18 mars 2011

More sim roulette and buying hair

I again slept late this morning, so I only visited Avination briefly then. Our landlord trad sent an IM that he had decided to give Avination another try for a couple of months, much because of all the people who had supported him, and who I think he didn't want to let down. Anyway, I was really happy about it.

In the evening, Maggie and me went exploring through sim roulette again. Most places seem to be casinos, almost empty malls or under construction though. Since we sometimes ends up in sims not listed in search, we also find some interesting "hobbies" of people we already know off. It's fun to know that we're not the only ones with that kind of "hobbies". I finally bought my hair from Rosie, one of our neighbor merchants, so now I'm blonde again. She's been so good to us, that I really wanted her to have my custom on that one.

We also met trad and chatted some with him. He had forgotten to turn terraforming in his sim off, so someone had "fun" and messed it up real bad, turning the soft landscape into a jagged alpine gravel. Like if trad didn't have enough troubles already. But I suppose you find that kind of griefers everywhere, unable to create anything themselves, so then they instead try to destroy for others.

2011-03-17: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-18 07:40 CET, 20,524 residents, 8,536 in 30d, 1,135 sims

torsdag 17 mars 2011

Sim roulette and dancing

I had another sleeping morning, but in the evening, Maggie and I went exploring by "sim roulette", meaning Maggie just picked a random sim that we jumped to. We saw a number of almost empty malls, often built around the main shop of some creator, and mostly with almost ridiculously hight rents. If you can't offer the merchant a "live" mall with customers and traffic, I think you're rather optimistic trying to charge that kind of rents. My guess is that most of those malls will soon be gone.

In the end, I cheated some and found us an island with another almost empty mall, but with nice clothes at decent prices in the one occupied shop, and a lovely ballroom. It was the first time Maggie and I went ballroom dancing in Avination, and it was a nice excuse for us to pull on gown and tuxedo. Unfortunately, I suspect that ballroom may not survive the lack of merchants and customers to their mall neither, but it was at least nice coming there this time.

2011-03-16: clothes -C$11
Avination stats:
2011-03-17 17:28 CET, 20,389 residents, 8,381 in 30d, 1,131 sims

onsdag 16 mars 2011

Sad news

Today, I took a break from Avination in the morning again, needing the extra sleep to cure my illness.

In the evening, I got a shock, seeing a note from our landlord trad that he is giving up his sims because of all the technical problems with Avination lately. I can't blame him, but I feel really sad about it, both because he is someone I like and I've seen how stressed he's been over this, because I really love the little paradise he's created, and because it has become Maggie's and my home. I don't know what to do really, but I will try to talk with him later, to know what made him change his mind so totally within just some 24 hours.

2011-03-15: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-16 10:22 CET, 20,182 residents, 8,246 in 30d, 1,128 sims

tisdag 15 mars 2011

Shopping and small talk

This morning, I slept instead of coming to Avination, trying to get rid of the RL infections that have been messing with me for some 3 weeks now. In the evening, Maggie and I first went on some freebie "shopping", ending up with a really nice freebie tuxedo for me, and a lovely gown for her. Later, we greeted our landlord trad, who was busy building again, a museum this time, and met another shop owner in his sim, who also have a lot of shops in other places. It was a nice evening, but we both were tired, so logged off to go to bed rather early.

2011-03-14: skin purchase -C$1
Avination stats:
2011-03-15 08:35 CET, 20,060 residents, 8,119 in 30d, 1,142 sims

måndag 14 mars 2011

Fixed and messed up

This morning, Maggie and I went to buy a C$1 skin on a sale for me, which really wasn't bad for that price. I'll need to tweak my facial shape some to make it look quite good though. We looked around some more in the sim and mall, and I found a few things there that may come in handy in the future, even if I didn't buy anything but the skin.

This evening, Avination was quite a mess, again. I couldn't log in, I couldn't TP, I didn't rezz. Also, Avination states they're done with the mess regarding the asset services now, which means that both Maggie and me definitely lost quite a few textures and works in progress. The textures I can live with, because that's just a bit of money and inconvenience to have to upload again, but I feel sorry for Maggie who lost things that she may never be able to re-create.

I have paid the rent for our shops and house for another four weeks now, but if things don't start working better soon, I think it's time to start looking into the alternatives to Avination. The total number of sims went down for the second consecutive day now, and that should be a strong warning to the owners that something is making their paying customers unhappy enough to walk away. Even if the total number of registered users break 20,000 this evening, I think it's not all that much to celebrate, considering that the owners risk having a lot of dissatisfied former customers as "ambassadors" out there.

2011-03-13: rent -C$480, sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-14 06:01 CET, 19,900 residents, 7,954 in 30d, 1,144 sims

söndag 13 mars 2011

Lost and found

I missed Maggie in the morning, owing to me sleeping long and taking time to get going because of my illness. I'm getting real tired of it now, having been ill for almost 3 weeks, even if I at least managed to work for the last week.

This evening, I went through my inventory and discovered a lot of things, uploaded textures, some works in progress and freebie clothes, being corrupt and unable to rezz. Maggie has also lost a lot of things, including some she bought and works in progress she's really sad about. It's really getting tiresome with this asset mess in Avination by now. Still, I decided to give it some more time and paid the rent for our shops and house for another 4 weeks. I also helped Maggie finish another of her creations, a golden carousel, where she needed a little help with getting the sit targets of it properly set up. Still tired from my illness, I logged off rather early to head for bed.

2011-03-12: gift -C$200
Avination stats:
2011-03-13 09:31 CET, 19,697 residents, 7,724 in 30d, 1,160 sims
(note: this is the first time since I came to Avination that the number of sims have decreased)

lördag 12 mars 2011

Job offer

This morning, I finally got the chance to help Maggie some back for all she's donw for me. She was quite frustrated from her skin and eyes getting lost by the asset services, so I gave her money for buying the same again as a gift. Even if the original ones come back, I think it's good to have backup ones.

In the evening, Maggie took me sight-seeing on a new sim complex, a mix of shops, culture and residents, which I think can be a good mix for making sims come alive, rather than the 3/4 empty and mostly dead shopping malls you see everywhere else. It reminds a bit of our landlord trad's ideas, only on a larger scale.

While we were there, I helped the sim owner out with a little oversight he made in a construction, and he wanted to hire me as some kind of technical officer because of it. I was honored but told him no thank you. I'm in Avination to have fun and relax, and that does not include working my butt off to keep deadlines and follow directions.

2011-03-11: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-12 08:36 CET, 19,508 residents, 7,539 in 30d, 1,162 sims

fredag 11 mars 2011

Getting gifts and hunting hair

This morning, my slave brought me to a shop with a simple, free radar, and then on to a place where she bought me a pair of shades, to share her winnings and luck with me. She's so sweet, and even if I think she should keep her money for her own needs, I can't hurt her by refusing.

In the evening, we went hunting for a new hair for me. I actually think we covered all what Avination has to offer in terms of male hair, and it wasn't all encouraging. It still is a small, new world with lots of gaps to fill concerning content. I never bought any hair, but I at least found one I think I could live with. I also looked some at boots and skins for me, but I found none there neither that I fell for.

I was really tired this evening, so I left early, while Maggie stayed on for a while. The asset services are still messing up, so we kept having problem to rezz various inventory, like hair, and in Maggie's case also skin and shape for a while. This is getting a bit annoying by now.

2011-03-10: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-11 06:01 CET, 19,296 residents, 7,316 in 30d, 1,161 sims

torsdag 10 mars 2011

Exploring and dancing

This morning, Maggie and I spent talking about RL, computer problems, and about some assholes who find their way to Avination as well. Considering Avination is marketed more or less as a "Merchantnation", I guess it's not so strange that some merchants come here believing they are the kings, and that the customers are just commodities. I guess they'll learn, or be forced away, when their commodities just keep walking out their doors.

This evening, both Maggie and I had problems with our hairs only rezzing in certain sims. We looked around some, ending up on a half finished club build, owned by a guy I know some from Second Life. It didn't have all that much to offer, but we danced the evening away there, talking mostly about real-life, while Maggie made quite a few C$ by jumping onto money chairs when her initial came up on them.

I still need some time to recover, both from my real-life illness, and from the stress of finishing off my presence in Second Life. But once I'm done with that, I start focusing more on Avination. I have quite a few ideas I never realized in Second Life, because there were already cheap solutions available for them in Second Life, but in Avination, several of them seem to be missing so far. I'm still tempted to buy an island of our own, but until I've seen if the world seems to be stabilizing, I'll wait some with that.

2011-03-09: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-10 06:02 CET, 19,053 residents, 7,062 in 30d, 1,156 sims

onsdag 9 mars 2011

Starting from scratch

This morning, Maggie and I just talked about everything and nothing, partly about a possible RL rendez-vous this spring. In the evening, she came late, but showed me a builders' sandbox with some interesting freebies. I actually decided to take a building lesson from the beginning, despite I've been building for almost 4 years in Second Life. You can always re-learn something you learned wrong the first time around. I'm still quite tired from my RL illness, so I finished and headed for bed quite early though.

Oh, and today most things worked in Avination, except for my hair refusing to attach and rezz in the evening, until we came to that sandbox.

2011-03-08: sales +C$10
Avination stats:
2011-03-09 06:00 CET, 18,838 residents, 6,831 in 30d, 1,151 sims

tisdag 8 mars 2011

An end

Today I ended my presence in Second Life. In less than four hours I tore down and abandoned everything I spent almost four years building up there, dropping assets worth several USD 1,000. But I can't continue endorsing a virtual world where the owners side with racketeers, fully knowingly letting third party spyware run on their servers to collect data being used to intimidate, stalk, harass and grief their customers, in blatant violation of their own Terms of Service and utter contempt of their customers.

Right now, I just feel empty, frustrated, sad. But at the same time, now that I'm done with Second Life, I hopefully will find the time and energy to focus better on Avination, trying to build something up here instead. It will probably take some time before I'm really in the mood for it though.

2011-03-07: sales +C$60
Avination stats:
2011-03-07 06:00 CET, 18,614 residents, 6,578 in 30d, 1,146 sims

måndag 7 mars 2011

Messed up inventory

Avination is still pretty messed up after the recent asset service update, so Maggie and me spent much of the morning at a shop where she had a broken outfit replaced. She also wound up getting quite a few freebies there, through their lucky chairs, and since she likes much of their style and had her outfit fixed, she was quite happy about it. The supply for guys, at least those not into cyberpunk, seems much more limited, as always.

This evening, Maggie and I spent mainly talking about the future in Avination, and possible alternatives in case Avination doesn't work out. Meanwhile, we had to run a gauntlet between crashing and restarting sims, seemingly grid-wide freezes and flickering inventory and assets. My home-made shape, shoes and bought jacket are still missing, and for a while, so was my hair, but Avination believes much of the items missing or broken now will be fixed during the week after the asset service update. I hope they're right.

2011-03-06: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-07 06:00 CET, 18,336 residents, 6,310 in 30d, 1,142 sims

söndag 6 mars 2011

Borked Avination again

This morning, Maggie kidnapped me to go shopping at a neko shop she found, which had some nice outfits at very decent prices. Unfortunately, Avination was moving servers at the same time, so our home sim never loaded, I remained ruthed to myself and invisible to Maggie, and at least one of her purchases got lost somewhere. The problems continued in the evening, and we went shopping for shoes for Maggie, with me in a horrible ruthed state. We ended up at a mall sim, talking to a guy who tried to enroll us for a night club moving over to Avination. He was nice, but I think Maggie considered herself as little cut out for the job as a stripper as I consider myself cut out for a job as a bouncer. I eventually had to fix some make-shift appearance, but I really hope assets and inventory will be restored when the server move is done.

Maggie is very eager to get everything going as soon as possible in Avination, preferably all at once, while I prefer taking it a bit more slow, especially since I'm still not well, and still have a lot of things to finish up in Second Life. Sometimes, her eagerness stresses me a bit, especially when she drags me around telling me all the things we should do, but she's never been very patient, and in a way I'm glad she seems to want to adapt to Avination as well.

2011-03-05: sales +C$20, clothes -C$25
Avination stats:
2011-03-06 07:56 CET, 18,089 residents, 6,002 in 30d, 1,140 sims

lördag 5 mars 2011

Me down and out RL

Yesterday and today, I've been in bad shape owing to a RL illness, so I haven't been up to much in Avination.

Yesterday morning, I actually skipped Avination and slept instead. In the evening, Maggie and I played Zyngo, then went to check out some freebie or cheap places she had found, and later went dancing to a place with a DJ for the first time in Avination. It was nice, and I enjoyed the music. What was a bit amusing was that almost everyone in the place had oversized their avatars so they looked like anorectic aliens. My avatar is just above 2 meters, but I was a dwarf there.

Today, we went looking at stores in the morning, and I found some freebie T-shirts and jeans. In the afternoon and evening, I fixed a freebie sign for our shop, another sign for an adboard that Maggie rented for us, wrote an information notecard about our shop, updated our parcel description and published us in in-world search. Later, Maggie and I went a bit crazy, creating some devilish angelic outfits with black wings, halos, fire and shades. But after that, my illness got the better of me, and I needed to leave early.

2011-03-03: upload -C$10
2011-03-04: sales +C$40, Zyngo +C$48, advertisement -C$20
Avination stats:
2011-03-04 08:29 CET, 17,529 residents, 5,387 in 30d, 1,121 sims
2011-03-05 09:27 CET, 17,800 residents, 5,690 in 30d, 1,132 sims

torsdag 3 mars 2011

Maggie's fountains

Today, Maggie and I spent all our time together with her building. I was in no shape to be very creative, but helped her out with some textures and advice. Maggie's got this thing about fountains. She often doesn't know what she will build when she starts, but often it ends up in very creative and beautiful fountains. I am more the kind of square angle builder, while she is the artist. This morning she finished one more fountain, and based on that, she created he so far best build ever this evening, I think. She was very proud herself, with all right, and I was also very proud of her.

The sims had been messing up before I arrived this morning, but Sweet Hideout behaved the full time Maggie and I were there at least. I saw notices about several sim owners having problems at present though, so it doesn't seem to be anything specific for the sim we live in.

2011-03-02: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-03 06:00 CET, 17,260 residents, 5,083 in 30d, 1,115 sims

onsdag 2 mars 2011


This morning, Maggie and I were able to have a look at trad's new park. Maggie shared my opinion about the beauty of it. We ended up on a pier with a beautiful view over the dock area, where we stood chatting about our future in Avination until it was time to the part.

In the evening, we revisited the park and ended up dancing cheek to cheek down by a small, romantic pond. We ended the evening with a visit to two other places in Avination. The first place was a shop with everything from furniture, over sex beds and cages, to military tanks. The second place was a mainly designed for "professional" builders, with building tools, textures and a number of empty shops, but with more coming, like an amusement area with roller-coaster and casino.

I was still tired owing to my illness, so we parted rather early, and I went home while Maggie continued on to explore.

2011-03-01: sales +C$20, Zyngo +C$18
Avination stats:
2011-03-02 06:04 CET, 16,984 residents, 4,704 in 30d, 1,094 sims

tisdag 1 mars 2011

Commerce, pass time and major crash

Today, our landlord trad invited Maggie and me to a group for announcing various events and offers throughout Avination. In all honesty though, I think Avination has already outgrown this approach. The group is spammed with announcements, of which most are interesting only for a sub-population. With the size Avination has now, you would probably need to split such a list into different cathegories, e.g. residential land, mall booths, female and male attire and clothes, and so on.

Because of my illness, I was in no shape to do much creative, so I spent about an hour in the morning and in the evening, just playing Zyngo together with Maggie. (Zyngo is a game reminding some of bingo.) Before Maggie came in the evening, I had time to explore a new, wonderful park trad is creating, but when Maggie and I was about to go there, Avination went down totally, so we were logged out and no relogs were possible.

I'm beginning to be a bit concerned with the lack of stability in Avination. Knowing that it's run on alpha-phase server software, I don't expect it to be solid, but outages, crashes and extreme lag up to at least a couple of hours every day is a little bit too much. I suspect it can be interpreted as that Avination didn't pass the stress test that the recent rapid growth in sims and users has put it through very well. Hopefully, the techs will be able to fix those bottlenecks which are probably the reason for the present problems, now that they have been found out.

2011-02-28: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-01 06:08 CET, 16,710 residents, 4,310 in 30d, 1,082 sims