torsdag 3 mars 2011

Maggie's fountains

Today, Maggie and I spent all our time together with her building. I was in no shape to be very creative, but helped her out with some textures and advice. Maggie's got this thing about fountains. She often doesn't know what she will build when she starts, but often it ends up in very creative and beautiful fountains. I am more the kind of square angle builder, while she is the artist. This morning she finished one more fountain, and based on that, she created he so far best build ever this evening, I think. She was very proud herself, with all right, and I was also very proud of her.

The sims had been messing up before I arrived this morning, but Sweet Hideout behaved the full time Maggie and I were there at least. I saw notices about several sim owners having problems at present though, so it doesn't seem to be anything specific for the sim we live in.

2011-03-02: -
Avination stats:
2011-03-03 06:00 CET, 17,260 residents, 5,083 in 30d, 1,115 sims

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