tisdag 29 mars 2011

More scripting changes and additions

Still no Maggie in-world, and even if we keep the contact off-world, I still miss her. Yesterday morning, I slept so long that I never visited Avination at all, and in the evening I worked until very late on my scripting project. The theme of the evening was first KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, and I simplified a few scripts, plus added a new major functionality, with a two (effective) line script plugging into the API I added to the system! I'm beginning to think the basic architecture of the system is pretty good now, when it's so easy to add totally new functionality.

2011-03-28: uploads -C$20
Avination stats:
2011-03-29 07:38 CET, 22,318 residents, 9,363 in 30d, 1,134 sims

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