lördag 5 mars 2011

Me down and out RL

Yesterday and today, I've been in bad shape owing to a RL illness, so I haven't been up to much in Avination.

Yesterday morning, I actually skipped Avination and slept instead. In the evening, Maggie and I played Zyngo, then went to check out some freebie or cheap places she had found, and later went dancing to a place with a DJ for the first time in Avination. It was nice, and I enjoyed the music. What was a bit amusing was that almost everyone in the place had oversized their avatars so they looked like anorectic aliens. My avatar is just above 2 meters, but I was a dwarf there.

Today, we went looking at stores in the morning, and I found some freebie T-shirts and jeans. In the afternoon and evening, I fixed a freebie sign for our shop, another sign for an adboard that Maggie rented for us, wrote an information notecard about our shop, updated our parcel description and published us in in-world search. Later, Maggie and I went a bit crazy, creating some devilish angelic outfits with black wings, halos, fire and shades. But after that, my illness got the better of me, and I needed to leave early.

2011-03-03: upload -C$10
2011-03-04: sales +C$40, Zyngo +C$48, advertisement -C$20
Avination stats:
2011-03-04 08:29 CET, 17,529 residents, 5,387 in 30d, 1,121 sims
2011-03-05 09:27 CET, 17,800 residents, 5,690 in 30d, 1,132 sims

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